Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Chaos Renban Sudoku

(Published on 20. September 2013, 10:56 by Richard)

Place the digits from 1 to 9 in every row, column and bold outlined area. Yellow painted cells form renban groups. These groups must hold consecutive numbers, in any order.

Solve online in F-Puzzles or CtC-app (thx Nick Smirnov!)

Solution code: Row 3 followed by column 6.

Last changed on on 9. October 2022, 08:16

Solved by Errorandy, Statistica, ch1983, flaemmchen, zorant, r45, Zzzyxas, Alex, cornuto, Ute2, marsigel, Mody, pirx, lutzreimer, joyal, sandmoppe, pin7guin, rimodech, adam001, Saskia, ManuH, jirk, derwolf23, ... Toastbrot, Marian, Matt, Realshaggy, moss, Julianl, skywalker, kishy72, uvo, jgarber, EKBM, Raistlen, misko, ParaNox, Ximota, Nick Smirnov, geronimo92, fca.felix.sudoku, Krokant, Colonel, isajo4002
Full list


on 9. October 2022, 08:16 by Richard
Added link and tag for online solving. Thx Nick!

on 29. September 2022, 15:52 by Nick Smirnov


on 20. September 2013, 12:47 by Richard
I forgot to activate the timer and didn't notice. :-(

on 20. September 2013, 12:45 by Statistica
Dankeschön. Warum heute früher als sonst?

Rating:88 %
Solved:100 times
Observed:14 times

Puzzle variant Online solving tool

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