Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Gekoppelte Hochhäuser

(Published on 17. September 2013, 09:23 by Realshaggy)

This puzzle was made for the Czech Republic Team Championship 2013.

Put a skyscraper of height 1 to 5 in each cell of the grid, so that in each of the four parts, each number occurs exactly once in each row and column. Clues outside the grid give the number of skyscrapers which can be seen from that direction. Smaller skyscrapers are covered by higher ones.

In the grey cells between the four parts, the clues are valid for both directions. Finding these clues is part of the puzzle.




Solution code: The second to last row followed by the last column, including the grey cells.

Last changed on on 30. August 2021, 01:44

Solved by moss, CHalb, Zzzyxas, Statistica, ch1983, r45, Babsi, AnnaTh, lutzreimer, cornuto, pokerke, matter, rimodech, Errorandy, saskia-daniela, deu, RALehrer, ffricke, Mathi, ibag, Alex, StefanSch, zorant, ... peter, uvo, marcmees, KlausRG, Uhu, RobertBe, NikolaZ, Joe Average, Toastbrot, Matt, skywalker, Nothere, sf2l, Rollo, jirk, amitsowani, ChristJan, rcg, misko, Mark Sweep, polar, purpl, Vebby, helle
Full list


on 30. August 2021, 01:43 by Realshaggy
Added online-solving link, revised labels.

Last changed on 18. September 2013, 18:11

on 18. September 2013, 18:11 by rubbeng

on 18. September 2013, 18:07 by Realshaggy
Row 10. Column 11.

on 18. September 2013, 18:02 by rubbeng
Hi, I don't understand solution code. (Sorry, I don't understand very well english. Thanks)

on 18. September 2013, 11:08 by ibag
Klasse gemacht!

on 17. September 2013, 13:15 by CHalb
Schick! Die Variante gefällt mir freilich.

Rating:94 %
Solved:81 times
Observed:9 times

Puzzle variant Online solving tool Multi-grid puzzle

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