Fill the grid with numbers 1-4 so that each number occurs exactly once in each row and column. Cells with numbers are all orthogonally connected and don't form a 2x2-square. There are no numbers in cells with clues.
Each single clue gives the sum of a connected group of numbers around the clue cell. If there is more than one clue in a cell, there must be at least one blank cell between the connected groups. The positions of the clues inside the clue cells have no relevance.
Example at Puzzlewiki: Ungarisches Tapa
Solution code: The third row, than the sixth column. "-" for a blank field.
on 19. February 2024, 16:12 by Playmaker6174
Sweet little puzzle! :)
(remembering that each number must appear once in a row or column helps a lot)
on 23. January 2023, 19:48 by glum_hippo
on 30. August 2021, 15:24 by Realshaggy
Revised labels.
on 30. August 2021, 01:31 by Realshaggy
Added online-solving link. Revised labels.
on 13. October 2020, 02:27 by SudokuExplorer
Lovely puzzle :-)
Here's a penpa+ link:
on 19. September 2013, 16:00 by CHalb
Realshaggy, ich dachte, das sei ein Optimierrätsel für dich gewesen: Wie krieg ich eine möglichst große Fläche ohne Tapahinweise?
on 18. September 2013, 15:42 by RobertBe
Interesting variant!
on 17. September 2013, 14:49 by ibag
Raffiniert gemacht!
on 17. September 2013, 09:08 by Statistica
Tolle Konstruktion!
on 17. September 2013, 06:35 by r45
Sehr schön, vielen Dank.