Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Igel Hochhausrätsel

(Published on 22. August 2013, 01:08 by kiwijam)

Hedgehog Skyscrapers

Only heights from 1 to 4 (or 1 to 5 for the second puzzle) must be used, the remaining cells contain hedgehogs (one hedgehog per row/column). A hedgehog does not block the sight to any building behind it. It is only visible if it is located in first position; in that case, it counts as two visible buildings.

Solution code: For each of the marked rows (from top to bottom), the complete contents (from left to right) must be entered. Enter a minus sign (-) for a hedgehog in the solution code.

Last changed on on 22. August 2013, 07:48

Solved by deu, Ute2, r45, ibag, pokerke, zorant, matter, Statistica, cornuto, Errorandy, ffricke, ManuH, pirx, rubbeng, ch1983, sandmoppe, HaSe, SilBer, BFaw, lutzreimer, joyal, Zzzyxas, CHalb, Saskia, mango, ... Senor Dingdong, Mars, RobertBe, marsigel, rob, KlausRG, Matt, Joe Average, alex2015, adam001, Uhu, ildiko, sf2l, Toastbrot, Julianl, Pfannkuchener, skywalker, amitsowani, misko, Torvelo, Raistlen
Full list


on 23. August 2013, 11:56 by ibag
Ups, da ich übers Wochenende verreist bin hatte ich mir den Wettbewerb nicht angeschaut und deshalb gar nicht bemerkt, dass es Training ist. ;-)

on 22. August 2013, 18:32 by SilBer
Super, zwei Trainingsrätsel! :-) Danke!

on 22. August 2013, 08:23 by ibag
Klasse Idee, da muss man sich erstmal eindenken. Danke!

on 22. August 2013, 07:48 by kiwijam
One hint was moved to create a unique solution. Thanks to Ute2 and Hideaki.

on 22. August 2013, 04:25 by Ute2
Bei meiner Lösung kann man im oberen Rätsel in der 3. Zeile 3 Häuser sehen (anstatt 2).

Rating:91 %
Solved:79 times
Observed:9 times

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