Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

ABC-Box mit Buchstabensalat-Kern mit Hochhaus-Kern

(Published on 14. July 2013, 23:18 by ibag)

The white fields of the diagramm are an ABC-Box with number hints (Anleitung). The yellow and red fields have to be ignored here.

The yellow fields are a Buchstabensalat puzzle (Anleitung). The letters ABC at the boundary are the hints. The red fields have to be ignored here.

The red fields are a skyscraper puzzle (Anleitung). The letters ABC at the boundary are crypto hints. Same letters mean same numbers, different letters mean different numbers. In the fields with no letter the hint is missing.

Solution code: Row 7 followed by column 12, '-' for empty fields.

Last changed on on 26. May 2017, 18:00

Solved by deu, kiwijam, r45, Zzzyxas, pirx, Alex, Statistica, matter, cornuto, zorant, ch1983, RALehrer, Ute2, rubbeng, rimodech, Mody, moss, Saskia, jirk, pin7guin, Babsi, Semax, ffricke, Sukram, lupo, ... FrauHoppmann, fridgrer, derwolf23, uko50, AnnaTh, dm_litv, marcmees, sf2l, ildiko, Joe Average, KlausRG, Julianl, Matt, cdwg2000, misko, pandiani42, polar, KNT, Gliperal, Ulistef, Jesper, Echatsum
Full list


on 23. March 2023, 04:04 by KNT
A wonderful finale to an interesting series. This one is easily my favorite puzzle of all of these.

on 24. January 2017, 02:22 by marcmees
Thanks for this very nice series, Gabi. I enjoyed it a lot.

on 8. January 2015, 09:35 by uko50
Das war ueberraschend einfach. Aber trotzdem, geniale Idee.

on 29. December 2013, 20:09 by sandmoppe
Wunderschön, auch wenn ich ein halbes Jahr gebraucht habe, um den Einstieg zu finden.

on 10. August 2013, 21:21 by SilBer
Was für ein wunderschönes Rätsel!

on 1. August 2013, 13:14 by lupo
Wow, toll!

on 15. July 2013, 22:17 by cornuto
Genial, bis hin zum Lösungscode, der sich erst im letzten Moment ergibt. Einfach klasse.

on 15. July 2013, 17:47 by Statistica
Ganz großes Rätsel-Kino. Vielen Dank für diese Serie!!

on 15. July 2013, 14:49 by Alex
geniale logische Fortsetzung der Serie!

on 15. July 2013, 08:11 by r45
Das Rätsel gefällt mir.....
sehr gut,

on 15. July 2013, 01:12 by kiwijam
Amazing! Very clever.

on 14. July 2013, 23:26 by pin7guin
Liebe Gabi, herzliche Glückwünsche zu 100 erstellten Rätseln!!!
Vielen Dank und mach bitte weiter so! :-)

Rating:99 %
Solved:63 times
Observed:5 times

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