There are two puzzles to solve, the hints are almost the same, but the solutions are very different.
Draw a snake in the grid of unknown length. The head and tail of the snake are given. The body of the snake cannot touch itself, not even diagonally.
The numbers indicate the number of cells the snake visits in the direction of the arrow.
Solution code: For every row (all of left grid, then all of right grid), give the number of cells that the snake covers.
on 13. April 2014, 13:24 by tuace
Very well constructed :)
on 8. July 2013, 18:29 by pirx
@Saskia: Die linke Schlange stimmt, aber die Rechte .... Ist in der unteren Hälfte viel zu lang, und ich vermute mal, dass Du in der oberen Hälfte nach dem Kopf falsch abbiegst.
on 4. July 2013, 23:30 by kiwijam
German translation added. Thanks Gabi!
on 4. July 2013, 21:16 by Statistica
Great puzzle with interesting turns :-)
on 4. July 2013, 13:21 by ibag
Really a great construction!
on 4. July 2013, 10:14 by ibag
@kiwijam: I've sent a PM.
on 4. July 2013, 07:34 by r45
Very, very good.