Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Japanische Summen auf Antimagneten

(Published on 3. July 2013, 12:25 by r45)

Blacken some fields in the diagram and put digits from 1 to 5 into the other fields, so that no number appears more than once in every row or column. The numbers on the left side and above the diagram give the sum of connected digits (without blackened fields in between) in the correct order.

Cells with numbers and blackened cells are part of magnetic plates. Each magnetic plate contains either two numbers (one even number, one odd number) or two blackened cells.

Place the magnetic plates so, that at no point in the diagram an odd number touches an even number of a different plate orthogonally.

Solution code: The content of marked rows 2 and 6 (from top to bottom). Use "S" for blackened cells.

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Solved by ffricke, RALehrer, Statistica, ibag, zorant, Mody, cornuto, pin7guin, Ute2, lutzreimer, Eisbär, Laje6, Rollo, mango, Kekes, CHalb, pokerke, Hansjo, Senior, deu, saskia-daniela, kiwijam, ManuH, ... Matt, Krokofant, Lohnecke, Marian, jhrdina, Resu, Uhu, KlausRG, pandiani42, jessica6, MagicMichi, Julianl, skywalker, NikolaZ, Krokant, misko, bergelfe, Dugong, CJK, Raistlen, KNT, jogerth, helle
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on 6. November 2013, 13:27 by Danielle
Weiß nicht, ob es daran liegt, daß ich mich mit Antimagneten schwer tue, aber ich fand es nicht so ganz einfach und habe auch zwei Anläufe gebraucht. Nun bin ich auf die größeren Nachfolger gespannt.

on 3. July 2013, 18:57 by pin7guin
Ein prima Appetithappen. Danke, Rainer!

on 3. July 2013, 17:55 by Mody
klein, aber fein :)

on 3. July 2013, 13:48 by ibag
Sehr schön!

on 3. July 2013, 13:47 by Statistica
Klasse Nachtisch. Danke!

on 3. July 2013, 13:29 by ffricke
Wieder mal ne schöne Variante, hat Spaß gemacht

Rating:89 %
Solved:103 times
Observed:6 times

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