Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Domino Loop (II)

(Published on 5. July 2013, 12:00 by Richard)

Looking back to the puzzles I have published before in the portal till now, I noticed that there are a lot of puzzle types of which I have made only one or two each.
Since some of those types are very nice, I will use the coming period to publish a few more of these types.

Domino Loop
Place the given dominos in the grid so that they form a closed loop that does not touch itself, not even diagonally. The normal domino rules have to be followed: same digits can only touch same digits. The numbers on the left and above the grid are the number of cells occupied by dominos in the respective row or column, the numbers right and below the grid are the sums of the digits on dominos in the row or column. The grey cells are part of a domino with two equal digits.

Here is an example with dominos 0-0 to 4-4:

And the puzzle:

Link to Domino Loop 1

Solution code: Row by row all the digits that belong to a horizontally placed domino.

Last changed on -

Solved by pirx, Rollo, Statistica, saskia-daniela, Ute2, cornuto, pokerke, ibag, Alex, ch1983, sloffie, r45, derwolf23, zorant, Hansjo, Mody, sandmoppe, AnnaTh, pin7guin, deu, lutzreimer, ffricke, Saskia, ... Joe Average, Mars, KlausRG, moss, Danielle, Faxi, Matt, Uhu, Toastbrot, Julianl, marcmees, Pfannkuchener, skywalker, Nothere, misko, dandbdi, EKBM, Realshaggy, Nick Smirnov, helle, Krokant, Echatsum
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on 31. October 2020, 21:46 by dandbdi
penpa link - https://git.io/JTHMG

on 19. October 2014, 15:28 by Joe Average
Vielleicht liegt es an der Übung, aber den Einstieg in den zweiten Domino-Loop habe ich viel leichter gefunden, als beim ersten.

on 6. July 2013, 12:22 by Mody
Toll, wie sich alles ergibt :)

on 5. July 2013, 13:53 by Statistica
THX Richard, have a nice (sunny) weekend!

Rating:94 %
Solved:78 times
Observed:9 times

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