Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Contact vs Regular Rundweg

(Published on 21. June 2013, 05:59 by kiwijam)

Here are two puzzles: a contact slitherlink and a regular slitherlink. The provided hint numbers include some common configurations (adjacent 3s, diagonal 3s and 2s, 2 in the corner, 31 on the edge) that provide starts for both puzzles.

Only one of the two puzzles has sufficient hint numbers...

Contact Slitherlink (as seen in the HCS 6 contest):

A closed loop must be drawn along the grey lines which does not touch or cross itself. The numbers indicate how many times the loop makes contact with the number cell. A contact occurs when the loop reaches one of the corners of the number cell, and it ends only when the loop leads away from such a corner. Within a contact, the loop may travel along one or even several of the edges of the number cell.

Solution code: The areas of the regions outside the loop, clockwise, starting in the top-left corner of the grid. First left (=contact) grid , and then right grid.

Solved by deu, Statistica, pin7guin, pokerke, Alex, ch1983, jirk, matter, ibag, pwahs, pirx, rimodech, ffricke, zorant, r45, lupo, Mody, ManuH, saskia-daniela, CHalb, relzzup, Ute2, AnnaTh, Babsi, moss, ... Luigi, rubbeng, Joo M.Y, PRW, Gotroch, tuace, SilBer, Zzzyxas, rob, fridgrer, Calavera, zuzanina, sf2l, dm_litv, Joe Average, Maginia, Uhu, Matt, ildiko, Dandelo, jessica6, amitsowani, uvo, misko
Full list


on 2. July 2017, 15:21 by Maginia
Super! I love Slitherlink :)

on 28. August 2013, 14:13 by AnnaTh
Das Mystery-Label hatte mich erst abgeschreckt, aber dank Gabis Kommentar habe ich mich doch rangetraut. Ist echt machbar.

on 25. June 2013, 19:36 by r45
Tolle Idee und schön umgesetzt, vielen Dank.

on 24. June 2013, 15:58 by ibag
Ich denke, das herauszubekommen ist der Mystery-Anteil. Ist aber nicht schwer. ;-)

on 24. June 2013, 15:31 by Saskia
Was bedeuten die grau hinterlegten Felder?

on 24. June 2013, 09:36 by ibag
Great construction!

on 21. June 2013, 09:15 by Statistica
Nice idea, Thanks!!

Rating:96 %
Solved:51 times
Observed:8 times

Puzzle combination Mystery puzzle

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