Berni the Brein (Krypto-Hochhausblöcke)
(Published on 16. June 2013, 20:13 by CHalb)
This puzzle was part of the puzzle book which Berni received as a birthday gift last year.
Each boldly framed square is a skyscrapers-puzzle without hintnumbers and in this instruction referred to as block. Additionally the numbers in the yellow cells are hintnumbers for the direct adjacent blocks and give the number of visible skyscrapers from this direction in the adjacent block. A number in a corner with two adjacent blocks is valid for both of them, not as the sum of the two directions. These hintnumbers are only meant for the directly adjacent blocks, not for possible visible higher skyscrapers in blocks behind. The numbers in the white cells never give the number of visible skyscrapers in adjacent blocks.
Some of the numbers have been replaced by letters: Same numbers by same letters and different numbers by different letters.
Solution code: The 7th and the 10th row from left to right respectively
Last changed on on 30. May 2016, 17:47
Solved by Kekes, ch1983, berni, ibag, Errorandy, jirk, kiwijam, RALehrer, r45, Luigi, pirx, pin7guin, rimodech, Katrin K, Babsi, zorant, pokerke, Mody, ManuH, Rollo, saskia-daniela, lutzreimer, Mathi, ... Joo M.Y, fridgrer, tuace, usp, pwahs, HaSe, Rollie, Joe Average, marcmees, KlausRG, Krokofant, RobertBe, uvo, Uhu, Matt, Hasenvogel, ildiko, sf2l, Krokant, Nothere, Dandelo, misko, polar, helle
on 3. June 2017, 15:57 by CHalb
Später Beitrag zu den Kommentaren vor vier Jahren: An Bier und Ei gefiehl mir auch, dass sie farblich zu weiß und gelb passen.
on 30. May 2016, 17:47 by CHalb
Typos fixed in the english version.
on 19. November 2014, 09:24 by CHalb
Stichwort ergänzt
on 2. July 2013, 18:03 by verflixt
Einstieg nicht zu schwer, dann gehts reativ flüssig durch.
Last changed on 22. June 2013, 21:00on 22. June 2013, 20:54 by CHalb
Anleitung präzisiert / description specified
on 19. June 2013, 11:32 by Statistica
Weiß nicht, denke doch. Nach den Ostereiererfahrungen wahrscheinlich sogar sicher...?
on 19. June 2013, 11:17 by berni
Und Ei?
on 19. June 2013, 10:23 by Statistica
Sehr hübsch konstruiert. "Berni" und "Brein" geht auf jeden Fall in Ordnung, "Berni" und "Bier" wohl eher nicht ;-)
on 16. June 2013, 22:05 by Kekes
Ein echt super Rätsel. Hat sehr viel Spaß gemacht und ließ sich flüssig lösen.