Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Familienfreizeit 2013: Koralle mit Füßen und Zehen

(Published on 5. June 2013, 12:03 by CHalb)

We have 2 feet with 5 toes each, which leads to 10 toes in total. This three numbers have been my inspiration to this coral.

Coral with feet and toes
In the diagram is a black coral hidden. The coral fills every cell of the grid either completely or not at all, contains no 2x2 area, is connected and does not touch itself, not even diagonally. The clues outside the grid give the lengths of consecutive blocks of coral cells. The clues are written in ascending order.

If clues are given in a row or column, they are complete. Each ? replaces any number, as well as 2, 5 or 10.

Solution code: Row 11 from left to right and column 8 top down; S for black (german: schwarz) cells and W for white cells

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Solved by Luigi, Ute2, saskia-daniela, Alex, rimodech, pirx, adam001, rakesh, r45, flaemmchen, ibag, pokerke, pin7guin, zuzanina, moss, zorant, Kekes, Mody, joyal, Saskia, deu, RALehrer, cornuto, Hansjo, ... jessica6, berni, skywalker, NikolaZ, verflixt, Krokant, amitsowani, misko, athin, Greg, Raistlen, Dugong, wooferzfg, helle, CJK, aliciaprobably, UNAM1, Hippologicus, Jesper, drf93, JustinTucker
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Last changed on 5. June 2013, 12:27

on 5. June 2013, 11:45 by CHalb
An dieser Stelle ein herzlicher Dank an meine Testlöser; auch an die erste Löserin am Wochenende, die mich darauf gebracht hat, dass an dem Rätsel noch etwas fehlte.

Rating:87 %
Solved:102 times
Observed:7 times

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