Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

May XL-Month (5) - Blackout Domino

(Published on 31. May 2013, 12:00 by Richard)

My friday-noon-puzzles in May are all big; I have chosen five puzzle types that I have published before in the portal, and made bigger versions of these.

Blackout Domino
Paint some cells black and place all given domino pieces in the grid so that they don't overlap each other. Two orthogonal neighbouring cells from different domino pieces must be equal.

Black cells may not touch the border orthogonally and they may not touch each other orthogonally.

Solve online in Penpa+ (thx Nick Smirnov!)

Normal Blackout Dominos: Here and here.

Solution code: Row A, followed by row B. 'S' for a black cell.

Last changed on on 9. October 2022, 08:17

Solved by pirx, Alex, ManuH, Mody, sandmoppe, zorant, AnnaTh, zuzanina, pokerke, saskia-daniela, ibag, Luigi, joyal, rimodech, annusia, kiwijam, Thomster, ch1983, matter, pin7guin, jirk, ffricke, Babsi, deu, ... fridgrer, uvo, KlausRG, RALehrer, RobertBe, Zzzyxas, dm_litv, moss, Krokofant, Joe Average, amitsowani, misko, en-passant, EKBM, Realshaggy, VolkerNö, polar, Nick Smirnov, HaSe, Krokant, Echatsum
Full list


on 7. November 2023, 18:48 by Krokant
This blackout variant is quite fun. Great puzzle! :)

on 2. January 2023, 17:04 by HaSe
Noch 9 Rätsel, Richard, dann habe ich alle Deine Portalrätsel der letzten 10 Jahre gelöst. Ich denke, das ist ein Liebesbeweis ;-) und frohes neues Jahr noch.

on 9. October 2022, 08:17 by Richard
Added link and tag for online solving. Thx Nick!

on 29. September 2022, 01:04 by Nick Smirnov

on 5. May 2014, 11:03 by Eisbär
What a beauty!

on 12. August 2013, 20:17 by r45
Großartiges Rätsel, perfektes Gitter und bis zum Schluss spannend.

on 12. August 2013, 15:10 by SilBer
Noch so eine grandiose Rätselidee!!!

on 12. June 2013, 01:19 by kiwijam
Thanks Richard!

on 4. June 2013, 13:00 by Luigi
Sehr schöne Rätselnuss!

on 1. June 2013, 22:43 by zorant
Great puzzle!

on 1. June 2013, 00:58 by Alex
schoener harter Brocken!

Rating:96 %
Solved:58 times
Observed:7 times

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