Solution code: Die Werte für X , Y, Z , Q , R und S und die Anzahl der Zellen die von Pentonimos belegt sind ,zeilenweise von oben nach unten ( insgesamt 19 Ziffern )
on 28. July 2019, 03:51 by bob
Wonderful 6-year-old puzzles. I did three of them today--thank you Julius64.
on 30. August 2013, 08:59 by sternchen
Danke für das tolle Rätsel - hat mir sehr gut gefallen!
on 28. May 2013, 00:16 by Rollo
Klasse Rätsel! Mein 1500stes :-).
on 23. May 2013, 08:54 by CHalb
Toll! Interessante Kakuro-Schlussweisen und immer wenn ich dachte "Das wird doch nicht eindeutig.", war's doch OK.
on 5. May 2013, 11:40 by ibag
Yes, exactly.
on 5. May 2013, 11:36 by RALehrer
But since there are 12 pentominos, doesn't that mean there must be 12 5s?
@ibag: Thanks!
on 5. May 2013, 10:59 by ibag
@RALehrer: I think the answer of julius64 is a little confusing. ALL pntominos have to be placed.
on 5. May 2013, 03:10 by RALehrer
Are you saying that I don't have to place ALL of the pentominos into the kakuro?
on 5. May 2013, 00:46 by pokerke
Fantastic puzzle, thanks a lot!
on 4. May 2013, 20:08 by RALehrer
For us English speakers:
D - none of the letters are = 5
E - there are exactly 12 5s in the solution.
The fact that the pentominos appear in a second grid is not relevant.
All true?
@ E - The number of the digit 5 in Kakuro GRID is EQUAL to the number of Pentonimos not on solution 12 5s on Kauro -Grid!
The Pentonimos from second Grid muss be installed in Kakuro -Grid
Greatings Julius