Draw a path system, connecting the centers of adjacent cells, passing through all cells with symbols. The path may pass straight through a cell or make a 120° angle, however 60° angles are not allowed. The path may branch out (any number of times); that means, from one cell lines are drawn to three adjacent cells, making three 120° angles (again, 60° angles are not allowed). All parts of the path must be connected, and there must not be any open ends.
The symbols have the following meaning:
Solution code: For each row from top to bottom, enter the number of unused cells in that row.
on 2. March 2015, 23:49 by pin7guin
Puh - ohne die Unterstützung beim Stammtisch hätte ich mich wieder und wieder verheddert...
Jetzt konnte ich auch die Schönheit dieser Konstruktion erkennen.
on 11. June 2014, 18:37 by rob
Awesome, thanks! The competition puzzle probably turned out a little easier?
on 5. May 2013, 22:36 by ibag
Herrlich! Allein schon das Anschauen der fertigen Lösung ist ein Genuss!
on 27. April 2013, 22:29 by CHalb
Thanks a lot to the other side of the world for this optimal training for the qualification.
on 27. April 2013, 10:49 by Statistica
Knifflig! Und eine sehr hohe "Verzählwahrscheinlichkeit"... :-(
on 26. April 2013, 13:55 by StefanSch
Wegen der nicht eingezeichneten Verzweigungspunkte, muss man sich sehr konzentrieren, dass man nichts übersieht.
on 26. April 2013, 11:25 by SilBer
To say it like Arvid, this puzzle is "kniffig und gemein", and in your words "strange". :-) Thank you very much, I learned a few elementary things. Silke
on 26. April 2013, 07:49 by r45
Sehr schön.