Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Wichtel 2012 (1): Der verwirrte Weihnachtsmann

(Published on 18. March 2013, 21:30 by wichtel)

Santa Claus is very confused this year. When he is on his way to Waldemar to deliver the Christmas puzzle - a Japanese crypto sum with numbers from 1 to 9 and crypto letters from A to J - it occurs to him that he forgot the puzzle at home by the fireplace, where he had solved it on the eve. "Never mind," he thinks to himself, "I can use my phenomenal memory to write it fresh." Unfortunately that is the typical hubris of Santa Claus, and his memory is not phenomenal at all. In fact, he remembers each of the sums wrong, precisely one higher or lower. The assignment of the crypto-letters he actually remembers the right way. However, he taps with his stubby fingers on the Santa Claus laptop keyboard (which has the letters from A to J in a row next to each other) always wrong, so he catches for each letter one of the neighbors. Of course he has no time for proofreading, because it's Christmas Eve and Waldemar is waiting for his present. To get an idea of the extent of the misery here comes a small example with numbers from 1 to 4:

What a mess! I wonder if the poor Waldemar is able to solve this puzzle at all?

Solution code: Row 10 followed by column 8, S for blackened fields.

Last changed on on 21. March 2013, 08:04

Solved by kiwijam, matter, r45, Luigi, Alex, Mody, pokerke, MiR, ibag, Zzzyxas, joyal, zorant, sandmoppe, Saskia, cornuto, relzzup, yusaku, zuzanina, ch1983, pirx, Calavera, AnnaTh, pin7guin, tuace, ObiWan77, Babsi, dm_litv, pandiani42, ffricke, Julianl, polar, CaGr, KNT, PixelPlucker, fjam, Myxo, ClashCode, en-passant, Nensche777, Nick Smirnov, Agent
Full list


on 12. May 2024, 06:31 by Agent
Phenomenal puzzle, this is like Knapp-Daneben on steroids! The solve was brutal but the logic is always fair, very rewarding to see the solution unfold.

on 9. March 2024, 13:27 by Nick Smirnov

on 25. December 2022, 17:10 by PixelPlucker
A veritable masterpiece!

on 18. December 2022, 23:40 by KNT
I have no words to describe the absolute relief when I entered my solution code correctly. This took me multiple days, and I found probably every contradiction possible. After the letters are determined, it became a very fun and logical ride, but beforehand when things are still more ambiguous, I would seriously give this puzzle a 6 or 7 star rating for difficulty, if this website allowed it. Santa is an absolute psychopath

on 4. February 2018, 21:52 by ffricke
Altes Rätsel, aber immer noch knackig frisch. Ein paar mal hab ich mich vom Weihnachtsmann verwirren lassen, bis zum Schluss schön

on 9. December 2014, 13:50 by tuace
Eine wahrlich gute Wahl für mein 1000. gelöstes Rätsel :) An dieser Stelle möchte ich mich ausdrücklich bei allen Autoren bedanken; für kurzweilige, spannende Unterhaltung, für überraschende Erkenntnisse, großen Spaß, für witzige und auch mal zum Haare raufende Momente, aber immer wieder für herausfordernde und vor allem wunderschöne Rätsel.

Dann mach ich mich mal an die nächsten 1000... :D

on 8. November 2014, 23:31 by pin7guin
Ich bin gaaanz langsam aber völlig logisch durchgekommen :-)
Ein Wahnsinns ;-) -Rätsel!

on 13. October 2014, 10:14 by AnnaTh
Ich weiß nicht, wie oft ich den "Weihnachtsmann" schon angefangen habe. Jetzt - nach all den "Außerirdischen" -hat es endlich klick gemacht. Ganz, ganz toll!

on 19. April 2014, 18:17 by pirx
Genau zu Ostern geschafft :-)

on 29. March 2014, 12:25 by ch1983
Juchhu, noch vor Ostern geschafft ;-)

on 21. February 2014, 09:05 by zuzanina

on 21. June 2013, 19:54 by cornuto

on 12. June 2013, 11:55 by Saskia
Genial - I liker det :-D

on 16. May 2013, 10:17 by sandmoppe
Tolles Rätsel. Habe vier Versuche gebraucht, bis ich diesen Weihnachtsmann entwirrt hatte.

on 12. May 2013, 16:08 by zorant
Great puzzle. Thanks a lot for a little help!!!!!!

on 12. May 2013, 07:51 by Mody
Your values für the letters are right, the 10. row, too.
But "BG" in the 8. column is different from my solution.

on 24. March 2013, 13:59 by Mody
Eines der schönsten Rätsel im Portal :)

on 20. March 2013, 22:32 by Alex
kann mich den Lobeshymnen vollends anschliessen, genial!

on 20. March 2013, 17:20 by Luigi
Einfach genial konstruiert!

on 20. March 2013, 15:49 by r45
Auch auf die Gefahr hin, dass ich mich wiederhole: Ein Hammerrätsel. Ich bin mindestens so verwirrt, wie der Weihnachtsmann. :-)

on 19. March 2013, 11:59 by wichtel
@matter: Nein, so verwirrt ist er (noch) nicht.

on 19. March 2013, 11:44 by matter
Kann es vorkommen, daß der Weihnachtsmann sich an eine Summe 0 zu erinnern glaubt? Oder ist er so verwirrt nun doch nicht?

on 19. March 2013, 07:19 by Luigi
Meiner schmerzt schon nach dem Lösen des Beispiels...
Das nenn ich einmal einen verwirrten Professor...

on 19. March 2013, 06:30 by kiwijam
Wonderful puzzle, a clever logical path, but now my head hurts!

Rating:99 %
Solved:41 times
Observed:7 times

Knapp daneben Coded puzzle

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