Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

LMI-Überbleibsel - Shaken Clones Sudoku

(Published on 15. March 2013, 12:00 by Richard)

Logic Masters India hosts a sudoku contest every month. I had the honor to prepare the puzzles for the coming contest. It will be held from 23 till 25 March 2013. It will be called "Variations to Variants"; A set of 14 sudoku variants, two per page. I have made a variation to seven more or less known variants. Almost all variants are published here in the portal earlier by me.

As always the case after making puzzles for a contest, I had a few unused puzzles and I would like to share them here in the portal. At the same time, I can make same extra advertisement for the contest. Participation is free, only a registration at LMI is necessary. You can solve the puzzles whenever you like in the weekend. After downloading the .pdf-file you have two hours time to submit your solutions. You can find the instruction booklet here.

Shaken Clones Sudoku
Place the digits from 1 to 9 in each row, column and 3x3-block. The grid contains five different shapes. Each shape is cloned once. The digits in cloned shapes are the same, but their position within the shape may change.

Solve online in F-Puzzles or CtC-app (thx Nick Smirnov!)

Solution code: Row 5, followed by row 9.

Last changed on on 9. October 2022, 08:07

Solved by Luigi, MiR, ch1983, flaemmchen, Zzzyxas, dm_litv, zorant, sandmoppe, geophil, AnnaTh, zuzanina, Rollo, Ute2, Thomster, Mody, pirx, Hansjo, derwolf23, ManuH, jirk, lutzreimer, joyal, adam001, pokerke, ... NikolaZ, sf2l, Matt, Julianl, kishy72, cdwg2000, lubosh, EKBM, geronimo92, ParaNox, Raistlen, misko, Nick Smirnov, fca.felix.sudoku, Krokant, Just me, logik66, Arne, SKORP17, Rüdiger, jalebc
Full list


on 9. October 2022, 08:07 by Richard
Added links and tag for online solving. Thx Nick!

on 1. October 2022, 14:50 by Nick Smirnov


In CtC-app you can Hide Colours in Settings and then colour the grid with app's colours, the result is much prettier than export from F-puzzles.

on 15. March 2013, 13:18 by flaemmchen
Das ist doch eine schöne "Abfallverwertung" ;-))

Rating:87 %
Solved:111 times
Observed:15 times

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