Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Rätselwochenende 2013: Wortschlangen

(Published on 10. February 2013, 18:00 by Realshaggy)

Since I'm not creating many puzzles, it's a pity if a (in my opinion) good puzzle is only available to a handful of people. So in the next days here are some of my puzzles originally created for the recent "Puzzle Weekend" of Logic Masters Germany in Fulda. We start with a word puzzle:

Put the given words in the grid, so that no letter is repeated in any row or column. Every cell contains exactly one letter or is left empty. In every 3x3-box, one of the words should be readable along the thick grid lines starting from the arrow.

Example with solution (with four 2x2-boxes and words AB, ABO, BAD and BODO):

Solve in Penpa+


Solution code: The diagonal top left to bottom right, followed by the diagonal top right to bottom left. "-" for empty cells.

Last changed on on 27. August 2021, 18:17

Solved by Kekes, Ute2, ibag, MiR, saskia-daniela, rimodech, r45, pin7guin, RALehrer, Hansjo, zorant, ffricke, dm_litv, ch1983, julius64, adam001, ManuH, CHalb, pokerke, jirk, AnnaTh, cornuto, Rollo, ... deu, sandmoppe, relzzup, Saskia, joyal, Thomster, Joo M.Y, PRW, rob, tuace, Mars, EMREdersin, Matt, NikolaZ, marsigel, Uhu, Joe Average, skywalker, amitsowani, misko, Mark Sweep, zuzanina, Vebby
Full list


on 27. August 2021, 18:17 by Realshaggy
Labels revised.

on 18. October 2020, 19:42 by Realshaggy
Added Penpa+ support.

Rating:86 %
Solved:66 times
Observed:5 times

Standard puzzle Online solving tool Word puzzle

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