Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

2012-2013 XY-Summen-Schlangen Domino

(Published on 28. December 2012, 12:00 by Richard)

I wish all puzzle friends a happy 2013!

2012-2013 XY-Sums-Snake Domino
Place all the given domino tiles one time in the grid. The remaining cells form two XY-sums snakes. A snake may not touch itself or the other snake, not even diagonally. One snake consists of the X-sum 20, immediately followed by Y-sum 12, the other snake consists of X-sum 20, immediately followed by Y-sum 13. X- and Y-sums mean that you have to count X/Y cells to get to the sum. X and Y are the first digits of the first and second part of the snake.

Example for 2010-2011 XY-Sums-Snakes

Solve online in Penpa+ (thx Nick Smirnov!)


Solution code: The number of horizontally placed dominos, row by row.

Last changed on on 30. October 2022, 07:02

Solved by Luigi, Zzzyxas, rimodech, saskia-daniela, r45, Hansjo, Mody, ManuH, ibag, pin7guin, martin1456, ildiko, MiR, matter, ch1983, zorant, pokerke, ffricke, AnnaTh, zuzanina, Alex, Babsi, NikolaZ, cornuto, deu, sandmoppe, RALehrer, flaemmchen, PRW, relzzup, uvo, tuace, pirx, KlausRG, crissu, mango, dm_litv, moss, Joe Average, misko, EKBM, Realshaggy, Nick Smirnov, Echatsum
Full list


on 30. October 2022, 07:02 by Richard
Added link and tag for online solving. Thx Nick Smirnov!

on 18. October 2022, 01:14 by Nick Smirnov

on 29. January 2014, 12:52 by flaemmchen
So, dann wünsche ich auch mal ein gutes 2013 und gleichzeitig alles Gute für 2014 ...

on 23. August 2013, 21:25 by cornuto
Lieber Richard, auch ich wünsche dir -ziemlich nachträglich- ein frohes neues Jahr. Das war ein tolles Rätsel, obwohl ich eigentlich Dominos weniger mag.

on 9. January 2013, 08:07 by AnnaTh
Super Rätsel! Aber ich hatte große Probleme, die Regeln mit den X/Y-Feldern zu verstehen.

on 2. January 2013, 00:40 by pin7guin
Vielen Dank für dieses wundervolle Rätsel! Lieber Richard, auch Dir ein gutes Jahr 2013!

Last changed on 29. December 2012, 05:55

on 29. December 2012, 05:54 by Richard
As usual, I am very much interested how solvers approached this puzzle. I have written some notes to the puzzle in a hidden comment. Do these notes sound familiar to those who tackled this puzzle?

on 29. December 2012, 00:57 by rimodech
happy new year!!!

Rating:90 %
Solved:44 times
Observed:6 times

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