Coded Tetrominos
Divide the grid along the gridlines into tetrominos and write the same letter in all cells of each tetromino. Equal tetrominos contain the same letter. Every given letter belongs to a different tetromino. Tetrominos may be rotated and/or mirrored.
Dutch teammate Bram de Laat (Para) pointed out some very nice and interesting intrinsic logic for this puzzle type. Applying that logic is very useful. I have written this logic in a hidden comment, so after you solved the puzzle you can read it for learning purposes if you didn’t find it yourself during solving.
Solution code: For every cell in row two and column 6 the letter of the tetromino. 20 Letters in total.
on 13. May 2022, 08:34 by Nick Smirnov
on 27. October 2012, 10:37 by Mody
Mir ging es wie Luigi, aber schön sind beide :)
on 27. October 2012, 09:37 by Luigi
Dieses finde ich erheblich intuitiver zu lösen als das erste. Da knabbere ich immer noch dran.
on 26. October 2012, 13:07 by Zzzyxas
Das fand ich sehr viel leichter als den ersten Teil, der Hinweis hat auf jeden Fall geholfen.