Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

WM-Training: Easy As ABC Hexa - Not First Seen

(Published on 8. October 2012, 11:55 by uvo)

As WPC preparation I created a few puzzles I want to publish now.

Place letters A, B, C into the grid, so that each letter appears exactly once in each row (in all three directions). Letters outside the grid indicate which letter appears not first in the corresponding row or column from the respective direction.

Solution code: The middle horizontal row; use - for empty cells.

Last changed on on 25. July 2021, 17:42

Solved by Skinny Norris, Luigi, zorant, deu, Statistica, r45, cornuto, derwolf23, saskia-daniela, ManuH, pin7guin, fratercula, dm_litv, StefanSch, pokerke, Mody, sandmoppe, ch1983, Realshaggy, flaemmchen, ... PRW, Semax, Joo M.Y, matter, kiwijam, tuace, rob, NikolaZ, marcmees, adam001, Katrin K, Uhu, Matt, Joe Average, ildiko, jessica6, amitsowani, EKBM, Nothere, rcg, misko, Hunsudoku2019, Playmaker6174
Full list


on 16. March 2024, 08:25 by Playmaker6174
Fun series! I found this one a lot easier than the first twos, but also the nicest of them :)

on 18. October 2015, 14:27 by marcmees
thanks for the nice series

on 8. October 2012, 13:53 by Skinny Norris
Vielen Dank für die schöne Rätselserie und herzlichen Glückwunsch zum WM-Titel!

Rating:88 %
Solved:82 times
Observed:6 times

Puzzle variant Hexagonal

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