Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

WM-Training: Easy As ABC - Crossword

(Published on 8. October 2012, 11:54 by uvo)

As WPC preparation I created a few puzzles I want to publish now.

The following puzzle is a crossover between Easy As ABC and Kakuro:

Place letters A, B, C into the grid, so that each "word" consisting of three or more cells contains each letter exactly once, the remaining cells being empty. Letters in grey cells indicate which letter appears first in the adjacent word, viewed from left to right or from top to bottom.

Solution code: The top row, followed by the bottom row; use - for empty cells. Ignore the grey cells.

Last changed on on 25. July 2021, 17:45

Solved by Skinny Norris, Luigi, Laje6, flaemmchen, Statistica, moss, cornuto, zorant, Babsi, BFaw, Toastbrot, Mody, deu, saskia-daniela, Rollie, r45, Ute2, logik66, Alex, relzzup, ManuH, Nothere, ibag, lupo, ... ildiko, jessica6, Danielle, Lohnecke, Julianl, amitsowani, MagicMichi, misko, Krokant, Raistlen, CJK, Dugong, Mark Sweep, Simon919, suse, Drawoon, jogerth, lanark, dragoond, Playmaker6174, drf93
Full list


Last changed on 30. July 2022, 01:09

on 30. July 2022, 01:07 by Drawoon
To be clear, a "word" is a row or column of connected white cells. For instance, the bottom row has two "words" with 4 cells each.

on 20. March 2013, 02:16 by kiwijam
Very nice, thank you, I understand this variant a little better now.

on 30. December 2012, 09:26 by Richard
Very interesting solving steps. Thanks!

on 8. October 2012, 22:40 by ibag
Jedenfalls ist die Idee, Rätsel zu erstellen um neuartige Typen zu üben, genial. Und anscheinend auch wirkungsvoll. Glückwunsch auch von mir!

on 8. October 2012, 13:47 by Statistica
Das war scheinbar die richtige Vorbereitung! Glückwünsche noch einmal an den Weltmeister!!

Rating:90 %
Solved:111 times
Observed:9 times

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