Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Regional Yajilin

(Published on 5. October 2012, 12:00 by Richard)

Paint some cells black. Black cells are not allowed to be orthogonally adjacent. Draw a closed loop that passes through all the white cells. The loop does not cross or overlap itself. A number in a boldly outlined region indicates the number of black cells in that region.



Solution code: The number of black cells in each row, from top to bottom.

Last changed on -

Solved by Realshaggy, lupo, CHalb, r45, Luigi, pirx, ffricke, dm_litv, matter, Ute2, zuzanina, Statistica, Alex, Babsi, Mody, ch1983, martin1456, pokerke, pin7guin, saskia-daniela, RALehrer, ibag, derwolf23, ... MagicMichi, amitsowani, Dandelo, jessica6, zhuyunxuan, garganega, Nylimb, cdwg2000, misko, athin, EKBM, Raistlen, zhergan, geronimo92, Nick Smirnov, kittyphon, Krokant, KNT, Greg, Echatsum, hirassy
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on 29. August 2022, 16:57 by Nick Smirnov

on 6. April 2013, 09:47 by julius64
@Richard i have sent you a message in the forum . Thanks :=)

on 6. April 2013, 06:26 by Richard
@julius64: I have sent you a message in the forum. Can you please check it?

on 29. September 2012, 06:48 by Richard
Inspiration for the puzzle comes from the september puzzle contest "Borders & Beyond" at Logic Masters India: http://logicmastersindia.com/lmitests/?test=M201209P

The grid is a recycled version of my Capsules 2 puzzle, in case you might have a deja-vu-feeling. :-)

Rating:90 %
Solved:111 times
Observed:9 times

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