Zeltplatz-Berghütten Sudoku
(Published on 14. July 2012, 18:18 by surbier)
camping in the mountains Sudoku
This puzzle is a combination of the tent and tree sudoku 0001EM and the
mountain hut sudoku 0001FK.
Put in each row, in each column and in each 3x3 block
- the number from 1 to 5, and
- one tree (pentagon with tribe),
- one tent (triangle),
- one mountain (filled triangle) and
- one hut (square)
- At least one orthogonal neigbor cell of a cell with a tree must contain a tent.
- At least one orthogonal neigbor cell of a cell with a tent must contain a tree.
- At least one diagonal neigbor cell of a cell with a hut must contain a mountain.
- At least one diagonal neigbor cell of a cell with a mountain must contain at tent.
mountains and huts may touch orthogonally but do not count for neighbors.
tents and trees may touch diagonally but do not count for neighbors.
As given in the description of the solving code you are
free to use digits 6-9 while solving instead of the offered symbols.
Here an example:
And now the puzzle:
Solution code: The first and the ninth row.
Use 6=hut (square), 7=mountain (filled triangle), 8=tent (open triangle) and 9=tree (pentagon).
Solved by MiR, lutzreimer, Alex, Ute2, zorant, pokerke, flaemmchen, Kekes, joyal, Luigi, Skinny Norris, Richard, saskia-daniela, ibag, dm_litv, sandmoppe, Hansjo, ch1983, pin7guin, ManuH, Dandelo, annusia, ... Mathi, Saskia, PRW, Oskama, Joo M.Y, adam001, tuace, KlausRG, RobertBe, marcmees, Carolin, Matt, jirk, NikolaZ, Joe Average, Julianl, skywalker, moss, rcg, misko, geronimo92, Raistlen, Saskia11
on 18. July 2023, 07:10 by uvo_mod
Added Sudoku tag.