Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Schlingerpfad 000217

(Published on 3. July 2012, 21:25 by adam001)

Create with slashes and backslashes one winding path,
entering and leaving the grid once at its borders
which has everywhere equal width
and has no dead ends
and uses all streaks as path border
such that the number of and / per column are as given above
and per row as given on the left.

See for an example with solution: Schlingerpfad 000215

The winding path puzzle to solve:
© adam001

Translation in dutch is available.

Solution code: The fifth row followed by the first column
These contain eighteen characters.
Replace / with 1, with 2 and - with 0.

Last changed on on 1. November 2020, 10:52

Solved by Luigi, Statistica, pokerke, ibag, rimodech, zorant, BFaw, Alex, lupo, pirx, tuace, ch1983, ildiko, sf2l
Full list


on 1. November 2020, 10:52 by adam001
tags placed

on 19. February 2015, 14:57 by tuace
Boah.... was für ein schwerer Brocken. Selbst, wenn man die Logik raus hat, hat man ganz schnell einen Fehler gemacht. Beeindruckende Konstruktion!

on 18. September 2012, 07:49 by Alex
Na endlich! Das war eine harte Nuss fuer mich. Thanks to pokerke for the push in the right direction.

on 5. July 2012, 19:37 by ibag
Juhu, hab ihn gefunden! ;-) Klasse!

on 4. July 2012, 21:46 by ibag
Boah, den logischen Weg möchte ich mal finden. Sitze immernoch mit zwei Strichlein im Diagramm da ...

Last changed on 4. July 2012, 12:50

on 4. July 2012, 12:19 by adam001
Schlingerpfad ist ein guter Name für diese Rätselart, oder?

@ Statistica.
215 und 217 sind die einzigartigen ID-Zahlen beim Hochladen des Bildes.

Last changed on 4. July 2012, 13:51

on 4. July 2012, 12:03 by Statistica
Toll. Langsam gefallen Sie mir. Und es gibt einen logischen Weg da durch!

BTW: Was bedeuten 215 und 217???

Rating:92 %
Solved:14 times
Observed:5 times

Path puzzle

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