Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Published on 7. July 2012, 16:39 by ibag)

Draw a map of an underground with lines from center to center of orthogonally neighbored fields. At the center of a field the lines may run straightforward, turn or branch. There are no dead ends. The underground cannot leave the grid. The numbers at the borders give the corresponding numbers in that row or column. The pieces may be rotated.

The total underground plan encloses an orthogonally connected region. This region is devided by the lines into 8 orthogonally connected subregions.

At the intersection points of the grid stars must be drawn, exactly two on each horizontal and each vertical interior line, two into each of the 8 subdomains and two outside the underground plan. The stars must not touch each other, not even diagonally.

Example with 3 regions and only one star:

Solution code: For every row the number of intersection points between the stars, followed by the number of lines going to the right for the first 9 columns.

Solved by lupo, Dandelo, Thomster, ManuH, pin7guin, Mody, pirx, pokerke, r45, Alex, ch1983, moss, rimodech, Luigi, zuzanina, milka, martin1456, AnnaTh, saskia-daniela, Statistica, ffricke, joyal, dm_litv, ... derwolf23, uvo, Saskia, tuace, Joe Average, CaGr, jessica6, mango, Matt, Uhu, marcmees, Dotty, pandiani42, misko, ChristJan, polar, Echatsum, Grausbert, KNT, Jesper, chrisbee2, ONeill
Full list


on 25. August 2014, 13:19 by flaemmchen
Der Berliner U-Bahn-Bau hat jetzt fast so lange gebraucht wie der Flughafen ;-))

on 24. November 2012, 15:19 by cornuto
Toll, hat riesig Spaß gemacht.

on 10. July 2012, 16:45 by Statistica
Tolles Rätsel. Danke! Und ich habe mich erstaunlicherweise beim Code NICHT verzählt :-)

on 10. July 2012, 10:40 by AnnaTh
U-Bahnen alleine mag ich eigentlich nicht so, aber diese U-Bahn-Kombirätsel sind absolut toll! Danke!

on 8. July 2012, 15:43 by Alex
tolle Kreation, hat riesig Spass gemacht!

on 8. July 2012, 14:50 by r45
Klasse Rätsel.

on 8. July 2012, 10:03 by Mody
Großartige Kombination :)

on 8. July 2012, 08:07 by pin7guin
Einfach wundervoll! Vielen Dank, Gabi, für diese gelungene Verflechtung zweier meiner Lieblingsrätsel!

Rating:95 %
Solved:67 times
Observed:10 times

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