In all cells that are no part of the Masyu the battleship fleet have to be placed. Ships don't touch each other, not even diagonally.
Solve online in Penpa+ (thx Nick Smirnov!)
Solution code: 1) For every column the number of cells in which the loop makes a 90° angle. 2) For every row the number of cells occupied by ships.
on 17. August 2022, 08:00 by Richard
Changed wording of the English instructions and added link for online solving. Thx Nick!
on 16. August 2022, 12:48 by Nick Smirnov
on 16. August 2022, 12:47 by Nick Smirnov
I think that the description is not correct. The loop must make a 90° angle at all black circles and go straight for at least ONE cell in both directions before turning again.
Hi Nick, I think this is a matter of definition. The rules don't state that you have to go straight THROUGH two cells; that would mean you can only turn in the third one. But I will change the English wording into a version that we also used for the recent Dutch championships. There it is stated a bit clearer.
on 17. July 2013, 09:48 by r45
@Andreas: Ich habe das Rätsel gerade nochmal gemacht und mein Lösungscode ist ganz anders. Wenn Du mir Deine Lösung sendest, schaue ich gerne mal drüber.
on 20. April 2013, 06:59 by Richard
@Stefan: two of your one-ships are on a masyu-dot (B9 and H8), so that are at least two mistakes...
on 6. August 2012, 12:31 by Eisbär
Interesting new variant! :-D
on 7. July 2012, 21:29 by CHalb
I always like new Masyu variations. I hope we will have sooner or later another puzzle of this type in the portal.
on 6. July 2012, 12:42 by r45
Schöne Kombination, hat viel Spaß gemacht.