LM-Überbleibsel: Hexagonales Hakyuu
(Published on 10. June 2012, 21:43 by uvo)
Place numbers into the grid, so that each area of size n contains numbers from 1 to n, each number exactly once. If the same number can be found twice in the same row (in all three possible directions), those numbers must have a minimum distance given by that digit: Between two digits '1', there must be at least one other cell; between two digits '2', there must be at least two other cells, etc.
Solution code: The marked rows.
Last changed on on 25. July 2021, 17:33
Solved by ch1983, ibag, Zzzyxas, Luigi, pokerke, dm_litv, MiR, Laje6, Katrin K, Statistica, zorant, rimodech, Ute2, martin1456, r45, sandmoppe, ffricke, Toastbrot, deu, flips, Alex, saskia-daniela, Thomster, ... RALehrer, Eisbär, PRW, adam001, Joo M.Y, relzzup, kiwijam, Saskia, Uhu, rob, Carolin, tuace, NikolaZ, Babsi, Resu, ildiko, Matt, Joe Average, jessica6, amitsowani, EKBM, skywalker, misko, rcg, CJK
on 5. August 2012, 08:31 by Richard
Very interesting puzzle, since there are no given digits. Well done!