Put in each row, in each column and in each 3x3 block the number from 1 to 7, one tree (pentagon with tribe) and one tent (triangle).
In addition: Beside/below/above each cell with a tree, there must be at least one tent. Beside/below/above each cell with a tent there must be at least one tree. In other words: Orthogonally neigbor cells with a tree must contain at least one cell with a tent. Orthogonally neigbor cells with a tent must contain at least one cell with a tree. (There are no 'lonesome' tents and no 'lonesome' trees.)
Trees and tents may touch diagonally but do not count for neighbors.
In addition: row 1 and row 9 are consecutive. columns 1 and 9 are consecutive. This particular rule does not apply to the tree and tent sudoku 0001EM.
Solution code: row 2 and row 8. Use 8 for a tent and 9 for a tree.
on 18. July 2023, 07:09 by uvo_mod
Added Sudoku tag.
on 15. June 2012, 19:55 by surbier
Hi purzelbaumfan. Das bedeutet: steht z.B. in z8c9 ein Baum, kann in z8c1 ein Zelt stehen. Beide gelten als benachbart.
on 15. June 2012, 19:01 by purzelbaumfan
Was bedeutet denn, die Zeilen sind Nachbarn?
on 15. June 2012, 18:59 by purzelbaumfan
Was bedeutet denn, die Zeilen sind Nachbarn?
on 13. June 2012, 07:29 by Richard
Indeed a nice idea!
on 13. June 2012, 04:55 by saskia-daniela
Schöne Idee!