Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Juni Domino Monat (5) - Dominoschleife

(Published on 29. June 2012, 12:00 by Richard)

June Domino-month (5) - Domino Loop

Place the given dominos in the grid so that they form a closed loop that does not touch itself, not even diagonally. The normal domino rules have to be followed: same digits can only touch same digits. The numbers on the left and above the grid are the number of cells occupied by dominos in the respective row or column, the numbers right and below the grid are the sums of the digits on dominos in the row or column. The grey cells are part of a domino with two equal digits.

Here is a small example with dominos 0-0 to 4-4:

And the puzzle:

Solution code: Row by row all the digits that belong to a horizontally placed domino.

Last changed on on 3. July 2013, 08:13

Solved by Zzzyxas, Ute2, lupo, saskia-daniela, ibag, zuzanina, Laje6, dm_litv, sloffie, Luigi, HaSe, rimodech, derwolf23, Mody, uvo, Statistica, Alex, pin7guin, ch1983, ManuH, pokerke, Thomster, joyal, ... kaberg, Senor Dingdong, moss, Joe Average, Babsi, KlausRG, RobertBe, tuace, Faxi, Uhu, Matt, skywalker, marcmees, Pfannkuchener, misko, dandbdi, EKBM, Realshaggy, Nick Smirnov, Krokant, Echatsum
Full list


Last changed on 13. April 2022, 08:27

on 13. April 2022, 01:00 by Nick Smirnov
@Richard, I don't understand exactly what does a loop mean in this puzzle. For example, can dominoes r1c2-r1c3 and r2c1-r2c2 form a loop?
@Nick: You need at least four dominos to form the smallest possible loop (with only one empty cell in the middle). The puzzle has some snake-element in it; the no touching part as well as 'one cell wide'.
Isn't the provided example helpful?

@Richard, sorry, my choice of words was misleading. I wanted to ask: can dominoes r1c2-r1c3 and r2c1-r2c2 be part of a loop? Or another example, can dominoes r1c3-r1c4, r2c2-r2c3, r3c1-r3c2 be part of a loop. In another words, can some parts of a loop be like a staircase? I can imagine a loop with such staircase bits, but there are no such patterns in the example.
@Nick: Aha, I see. Yes, such staircase patterns are definitely allowed!
@Richard, great, thanks. The problem is that I don't know how to make a progress for the life of me, that's why I asked this question. But I will persevere :D

on 31. October 2020, 21:21 by dandbdi
penpa link - https://git.io/JTHX9

on 7. September 2012, 17:35 by cornuto
hmmm,der Lösungscode ist recht verständlich. Zumindest, wenn man horizontal und vertikal unterscheiden kann! Schönes Rätsel.

on 2. July 2012, 16:10 by pin7guin
Einfach klasse!

on 1. July 2012, 17:57 by Statistica
Schönes Rätsel, habe nur (zu) lange gebraucht, den Einstieg zu finden.

on 1. July 2012, 13:08 by Mody
Wunderschönes Rätsel :)

Rating:93 %
Solved:75 times
Observed:6 times

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