This is not a puzzle of mine, as far as I remember it's a co-production of Michael Ley, Sebastian Matschke and Hubert Wagner from the World Championship in Eger/Hungary in 2011.
Put a skyscraper of height 1 to 5 in each cell of the grid so that each row and each column contains each height exactly once. Numbers outside the grid show the number of skyscrapers which can be seen from that direction. Smaller skyscrapers are covered by higher ones. In addition to this standard skyscraper rules, all given clues are wrong.
Solution code: The third row, then the third column.
on 27. August 2021, 18:14 by Realshaggy
Labels revised.
on 17. October 2020, 20:51 by Realshaggy
Added Penpa+ support.
on 17. October 2020, 18:48 by SudokuExplorer
Nice idea :-)
on 9. May 2012, 22:06 by r45
Wäre wirklich schade gewesen, wenn dieses Rätsel nicht veröffentlicht worden wäre. Tolle Idee und flüssig zu lösen.
on 5. May 2012, 23:26 by ibag
War bestimmt ein schöner Abend!