diagonal-übernächstes Sudoku II
(Published on 1. June 2012, 04:00 by surbier)
diagonally next but one Sudoku
Put in each row, in each column and in each 3x3 block the number from 1
to 9. In addition diagonally next but one cells must not contain next
but one digits.
Solution code: The 1st and the 9th row.
Last changed on -
Solved by MiR, Luigi, Alex, zorant, Rollo, saskia-daniela, ManuH, Kekes, Richard, pokerke, rimodech, zuzanina, Hansjo, flaemmchen, joyal, dm_litv, Thomster, Mathi, ch1983, Laje6, sandmoppe, Saskia, zhergan, ... annusia, derwolf23, AnnaTh, 111chrisi, PRW, marcmees, marsigel, RALehrer, Uhu, tuace, KlausRG, Babsi, rcg, Carolin, Rollie, NikolaZ, Joe Average, Julianl, Matt, Zzzyxas, skywalker, geronimo92
on 18. July 2023, 07:08 by uvo_mod
Added Sudoku tag.
Last changed on 12. September 2012, 23:38on 1. June 2012, 12:14 by MiR