Replace the letters x, y and z by numbers. Then draw a snake from 1 to n into the diagram that never touches itself, not even diagonally. Numbers outside the grid indicate the number of squares covered by the snake in the correspnding row or column. Two snake fields are given, but not necessarily head and tail.
Solution code: The values of x, y and z; then the length of the snake; then the diagonal from top left to bottom right, '-' for empty fields and the corresponding number for snake fields.
on 2. September 2013, 21:34 by r45
Gar nicht so einfach, aber umso schöner gemacht.
on 23. June 2012, 00:35 by pin7guin
Ein kleines, sehr feines Rätsel und überaus würdig, als 100.000stes in unserem Portal gelöst zu werden.
on 12. May 2012, 22:11 by RobertBe
Very nice, thank you!
on 7. May 2012, 11:20 by ibag
@Eisbär: Muss nicht sein.
on 29. April 2012, 15:32 by Mody
Die ließ sich wirklich wunderschön lösen :)
on 28. April 2012, 18:08 by Alex
das ist aber mal 'ne schoene Schlange :D