Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Twin Chaos Sudoku II

(Published on 30. March 2012, 12:00 by Richard)

Place the digits from 1 to 9 in every row, column and boldly outlined irregular area of both grids. Both grids have the same solution.

Solve online in Penpa+ (thx Nick Smirnov!)

Solution code: Column 1, followed by row 9.

Last changed on on 20. November 2022, 06:47

Solved by zuzanina, saskia-daniela, flaemmchen, zhergan, Alex, ibag, joyal, rimodech, ManuH, Hansjo, pokerke, zorant, sandmoppe, Luigi, Saskia, Babsi, Thomas Meier, Mody, dm_litv, crissu, martin1456, ... Thomster, Julianl, swotty, Rollo, ffricke, qw014052, Ours brun, misko, cdwg2000, Krokant, EKBM, polar, Realshaggy, Crissu2, Nick Smirnov, peter urhegyi, SXH, damasosos92, DadJokes, riffclown
Full list


on 22. December 2023, 18:53 by damasosos92
What a wonderful puzzle!

on 20. November 2022, 06:47 by Richard
Added tag and link for online solving.
Thx Nick!

on 13. November 2022, 13:13 by Nick Smirnov

Last changed on 29. May 2019, 22:35

on 29. May 2019, 22:34 by ffricke
Inspiriert durch den Kommentar von Rollo dieses lange liegengelassene Rätsel mal wieder anzugehen. Der Einstieg war für mich ziemlich beschwerlich, doch dann fing es an, immer mehr im Fluß lösbar zu sein. Das hat dann doch viel Spaß gemacht. Danke Richard!

on 24. May 2019, 12:05 by Rollo
Erstaunlich, dass das aufgeht :-).

on 1. May 2019, 17:16 by swotty
Endlich: 1.000-Rätsel-Grenze geknackt! :-)
@Richard: Thank you for all the Sudokus you've published during the last years, I am a fan of them. ^^ This one was a delicacy as well. :-)

on 24. November 2015, 20:02 by Senior
Was für eine gewaltige Konstruktion!

on 8. September 2012, 11:28 by Statistica
Endlich das 'must-solve' auch geschafft :-))) Klasse Rätsel!

on 28. August 2012, 08:41 by AnnaTh
It took me quite some time to understand how this puzzle works. After that (and after eliminating an initial mistake) it was very logical :-)

on 26. April 2012, 10:14 by Mody
Great puzzle, very difficult :)

on 1. April 2012, 11:53 by rimodech
a beautiful design!

on 31. March 2012, 22:53 by ibag
Tolle Konstruktion, das hat richtig Spaß gemacht!

on 30. March 2012, 15:43 by Richard
Added an extra digit to the solution code, thx Zuzanina! :)

on 30. March 2012, 15:27 by zuzanina
Dass man das Kästchen unten links (Z9S1) beim Lösungscode nur einmal eingeben muss hätte mich beinahe zum Verzweifeln gebracht... ;-)

on 30. March 2012, 15:12 by Luigi
Habe erst bei den letzten 6 Ziffern einen Widerspruch eingebaut.... Na Gut, also doch eher ein Gute Nacht Snack.... ;-))

on 30. March 2012, 13:41 by Statistica
Schon allein von der Optik her, ein 'Must-solve'!

Rating:92 %
Solved:72 times
Observed:14 times

Puzzle variant Online solving tool Multi-grid puzzle

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