(Un)gerade Chaos
(Published on 9. March 2012, 12:00 by Richard)
Odd/even chaos
Place the digits from 1 to 9 in every row, column and boldly outlined area. In the grey cells in every outlined area are either three odd digits or three even digits.
Solve online in CtC-app (thx Nick Smirnov!)

Solution code: Row 4, followed by column 3.
Last changed on on 20. November 2022, 06:54
Solved by zorant, ibag, matter, Luigi, zuzanina, MiR, saskia-daniela, ManuH, Skinny Norris, flaemmchen, Eisbär, Laje6, Alex, martin1456, pokerke, Hansjo, Thomster, r45, Rollie, Rollo, miez, lutzreimer, ... tuace, Joe Average, Uhu, skypper, gsabanci, Carolin, sf2l, Matt, Nothere, Julianl, lubosh, skywalker, rcg, cdwg2000, EKBM, misko, Nick Smirnov, Krokant, karen_birgitta, SKORP17, Colonel, chanelaw
on 20. November 2022, 06:54 by Richard
Added tag and link for online solving.
Thx Nick!
on 18. November 2022, 18:02 by Nick Smirnov
on 30. May 2012, 16:25 by Oliver Strauß
Richard, Thank you for this nice style of puzzle.