Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Hexomino-Delegationen (2)

(Published on 29. January 2012, 15:25 by ibag)

The famous Pentominos are naturally far too busy to handle their business appointments themselves (after they often have to occur completely in various puzzles). Therefore mostly they send an appropriate delegation of Hexominos as a substitute. It is important, that each Pentomino is represented exactly once. Each Hexomino represents all pentominoes that are included in it. For example, Hexomino 3 represents the Pentominoes I, L and Y.

Here is a group shot of the Hexominos:

Tomorrow the appointments are piling up really bad. In the morning there will be held a conference at the Congress Centre, in the afternoon two important meetings at the same time. Since the Hexominos 11 and 19 live right around the corner, they should participate together at the conference in the morning and attend different meetings in the afternoon. Of course for both occasions they have to arrange appropriate delegations.

Here the outline of the three rooms is known, too, but not which room is to be used for which occasion.

The look of the rooms:

Solution code: The coloured columns from top to bottom.

Last changed on on 26. May 2017, 19:07

Solved by martin1456, ManuH, saskia-daniela, Alex, pokerke, rimodech, hopppe, deu, rob, sandmoppe, dm_litv, zuzanina, Lohnecke, Luigi, zorant, Skinny Norris, Hansjo, Mody, joyal, ffricke, zhergan, Rollo, ... pin7guin, Richard, fratercula, sf2l, flooser, AnnaTh, rakesh, Eisbär, Joe Average, uvo, tuace, Faxi, Babsi, Krokofant, matter, Resu, Zzzyxas, amitsowani, Dotty, 3ColorTheorem, Jesper, Echatsum, L-M
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Rating:94 %
Solved:52 times
Observed:9 times


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