Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Who is who?

(Published on 18. January 2012, 20:15 by r45)

Find out, which of both scyscraper-grids is Glass house and which is Scyscraper with blanks. Entries in cells of overlapping area applies to both puzzles.

Glass houses (with numbers 1 - 5): In every row and every column there is exactly one building which consists entirely of glass. More over, there is exactly one glass building for every possible height. The glass houses are invisible (i.e. they are not counted for the clue numbers), but they do not cover any buildings behind them.

Scyscrapers with blanks (with numbers 1 - 4): One cell remains empty in each row and column. The blank cells are not counted as buildings by the clue numbers, and they do not cover any buildings behind them.

Solution code: The numbers of the marked row from left to right. Use "-" for empty cells.

Last changed on -

Solved by Zzzyxas, Laje6, Alex, matter, saskia-daniela, joyal, rob, Luigi, cornuto, pokerke, Statistica, Thomas Meier, sandmoppe, zuzanina, Toastbrot, ibag, ch1983, Mody, lupo, rimodech, Skinny Norris, ... Babsi, CHalb, Semax, Rollo, MiR, Kekes, ManuH, HaSe, Richard, pirx, AnnaTh, relzzup, RALehrer, Saskia, PRW, wolx, moss, Joe Average, tuace, KlausRG, sf2l, ildiko, Matt, jessica6, flaemmchen, misko
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Last changed on 21. August 2019, 18:34

on 21. August 2019, 18:34 by r45
@Dandelo: Im Überlappungsbereich können weder ein Glashaus, noch ein Leerfeld platziert werden.
@sandmoppe: Ein Randhinweis gilt nur für das direkt angrenzende Gitter.

Last changed on 21. August 2019, 15:53

on 21. August 2019, 15:53 by sandmoppe
@Dandelo: Ich habe meine Lösung nicht mehr. Aber die einzige Erklärung wäre, dass alle Hochhaushinweise für die komplette Zeile/Spalte gelten. Somit wäre die 3 unten links nicht erfüllt.

on 27. February 2012, 00:09 by CHalb
Also ich mein das jetzt positiv: Was für eine bekloppte Idee! Nachdem ich verstanden hatte, worum's geht, hab ich mich erstmal etwas doof aus der Wäsche guckend gefühlt.

on 20. January 2012, 12:17 by ibag
Tolle Konstruktion!

Rating:85 %
Solved:56 times
Observed:8 times

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