Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Wichtel 2011 (1): Doppelstern über Bethlehem

(Published on 6. January 2012, 06:01 by wichtel)

To Christmas 2011 some eager puzzlefriends have arranged a group in which everybody had to make anonymously a puzzle for someone else. These puzzles are now presented one after the other here in the portal.

Reconstruct the Doppelstern-puzzle: Devide the diagram into 9 orthogonally connected regions so that a valid Doppelstern-puzzle arises. The numbers on the left resp. above the puzzle give the number of connected tiles between two vertical resp. horizontal borders, but not necessarily in the correct order. The numbers on the right and below the puzzle give the number of vertical resp. horizontal borders before the first star appears starting from this direction.

Solution code: The number of connected tiles in the correct order, first for row 3, then for column 7.

Last changed on on 17. November 2021, 11:11

Solved by Alex, dm_litv, BFaw, Laje6, rimodech, martin1456, pokerke, Dandelo, Mody, relzzup, cornuto, ibag, zuzanina, Zzzyxas, lupo, rob, joyal, r45, Luigi, milka, sandmoppe, pwahs, zorant, ffricke, kiwijam, ... CaGr, ildiko, Matt, adam001, Joe Average, Joo M.Y, amitsowani, misko, Jds2, Lucx, Mark Sweep, Statistica, BenceJoful, Fiffi, polar, en-passant, KNT, Myxo, ClashCode, isajo4002, Fior, Phistomefel
Full list


on 12. December 2022, 23:39 by KNT
Im usually not a huge fan of star battle, but this was fun! thanks :)

on 17. November 2021, 11:11 by wichtel
BenceJoful, thank you very much for the English translation! Now we also have the old tale included in the English version. I made only minor changes and reduced the number of capitals.

Last changed on 12. November 2021, 18:08

on 12. November 2021, 03:06 by BenceJoful
Very fun puzzle, kept me guessing till the end!

Here's my best attempt at a translation from the German:

It happened at that Time that the four Kings Caspar, Melchior, Balthasar and Wichtelus followed the Double Star and set out to offer their Gifts to the Child in the Manger: Incense, Myrrh, Gold and a Double Star Puzzle. But when Wichtelus took the Puzzle Diagram out of his Robes to test the Uniqueness again to be on the safe side, it was torn from his Hand by the Desert Wind. Wichtelus turned back disappointed, because without a Gift he could not visit the Child in the Manger. Then he suddenly noticed how the Double Star over Bethlehem began to blink wildly, as if it were trying to give Wichtelus a Signal. Wichtelus got busy making notes, and soon enough Information was available to reconstruct the Diagram. Unfortunately, the Double Star over Bethlehem had spent itself so much with all the Blinking that it was too weak to whisper the Way to the Manger. So Wichtelus never made it to the manger with his Double Star Puzzle and is not mentioned anywhere in the Christmas story, which is why there are wrongly only three Kings Mentioned there. The Child in the Manger had to be content with Incense, Myrrh and Gold and did not Enjoy the Double Star Puzzle. In 2011, Years later, the Puzzle found its Way to a Namesake in a mysterious Way...

on 13. March 2021, 14:58 by Lucx
Super! Den Teil der Weihnachtsgeschichte kannte ich tatsächlich noch nicht. Außerdem habe ich gelernt: Doppelsternrätsel können echt super Spaß machen! Ich warte auf den fünften König ;-)

on 26. August 2012, 12:58 by AnnaTh
Tricky, aber total logisch (eigentlich) und wunderschön!

on 28. June 2012, 10:50 by pin7guin
Was für ein GENIALES Rätsel!
Ich habe auch einige Anläufe benötigt. Dabei geht es prima durch - wenn man GUT aufpasst...

on 4. March 2012, 10:46 by ibag
@ManuH: Viele, aber nicht alle, soweit ich mich erinnere.

on 4. March 2012, 10:35 by Mody
Nichts Toroidales, nur eine kleine Denkfalle, der ich ich auch lange aufgesessen bin.

on 14. January 2012, 17:08 by ibag
@ManuH: Stimmt.

on 10. January 2012, 16:25 by wichtel
Der Wichtel spricht:
Gebiete, die an sich selbst grenzen,
gibt's selbst im Märchen nicht!
Hier wird nicht geklebt und nicht gewickelt,
sondern anständig geknobelt und das Hirn verwickelt...;-)

on 10. January 2012, 13:40 by pwahs
Ein sehr schönes Rätsel! Hab leider 5 Anläufe gebraucht, die ersten 3 hab ich einfach so in den Sand gesetzt, und beim 4. Versuch hab ich die Un-Lösung erhalten, die Luigi in den versteckten Kommentaren beschreibt.

Die Geschichte gefällt mir übrigens auch sehr gut!

on 7. January 2012, 16:10 by lupo
Wow! Ein echter Wichtelus!

on 7. January 2012, 10:08 by ibag
Nettes Rätsel! Hab den Dreikönigstag in Vierkönigstag umbenannt.

@Realshaggy: Klar halten wir Wichtel alle dicht. Aber das "whodunit" gehört beim Wichteln ja auch ein bißchen dazu.

on 6. January 2012, 23:37 by cornuto
Tolle Idee.

Last changed on 6. January 2012, 18:13

on 6. January 2012, 18:12 by Realshaggy
Also ich weiß nicht, irgendwas klingt an der Geschichte nicht besonders glaubwürdig. :-)
Aber ich liebe diesen skurrilen Humor.

PS: Wir sollten eventuell aufpassen, dass die Rätsel nicht durch die Kommentare zuordenbar werden. Sicher sollte man das nicht zu verbissen sehen, aber ich wollte es mal anmerken.

on 6. January 2012, 18:05 by Mody
Schön kniffelig.

on 6. January 2012, 15:48 by Dandelo

on 6. January 2012, 07:58 by Alex
wirklich toll ausgedacht

Rating:96 %
Solved:70 times
Observed:8 times


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