Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Januar Pentomino-Monat (1): Pentomino 2012

(Published on 6. January 2012, 12:00 by Richard)

January Pentomino month (1) - Pentomino 2012

Place all pentominos in both grids. The pentominos may be rotated and/or mirrored. The sum of the digits in each pentomino is either 12 or 20; if the sum of a pentomino is 12 in one grid, then the sum of the same pentomino in the other grid has to be 20.

Solution code: The marked row from grid 1 (7 characters), followed by the marked column of grid 2 (11 characters); for every cell the letter of the pentomino.

Last changed on -

Solved by pin7guin, deu, zhergan, Rollo, zuzanina, pokerke, dm_litv, Luigi, lutzreimer, Hansjo, ManuH, Dandelo, MiR, saskia-daniela, relzzup, Alex, zorant, rimodech, joyal, Zzzyxas, derwolf23, Mody, AnnaTh, ... CHalb, ildiko, kiwijam, PRW, rakesh, Eisbär, NikolaZ, flaemmchen, pirx, Thomster, Uhu, Joe Average, sf2l, matter, tuace, Matt, cdwg2000, misko, Nothere, EKBM, Realshaggy, Nick Smirnov, Echatsum
Full list


on 25. November 2022, 14:37 by Nick Smirnov

on 6. January 2012, 15:46 by Rollo
Ich habe die korrigierte Stelle nicht gebraucht, aber leicht finde ich es nicht.

on 6. January 2012, 14:56 by zhergan
Really nice one:) Thanks Richard...

on 6. January 2012, 13:30 by Richard
Corrected image uploaded. I hope it works now. :-)

on 6. January 2012, 13:21 by Dandelo
but the code seems to work...

on 6. January 2012, 13:19 by Richard
This puzzle is not correct. While uploading I must have selected a wrong image. I will repair this later this afternoon.

Sorry for the inconvenience... :-(

on 6. January 2012, 13:10 by pin7guin
Juhuu, Erste! :-)

on 6. January 2012, 11:57 by Richard
I realised that in 2011 only 1 (one!) pentomino puzzle from me appeared in the portal. Time to make it up with one of my favourite puzzle shapes! In January you may expect four brand new Pentomino puzzles.

Rating:88 %
Solved:66 times
Observed:4 times

Multi-grid puzzle Pentominoes

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