Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Happy New Year 2012

(Published on 1. January 2012, 14:54 by Dandelo)

... and happy 42nd anniversary.

That came to my mind while trying to solve the other sequence:

1, 3, 2, 5, 3, 7, ...

Solution code: The next 4 numbers.

Last changed on on 27. March 2024, 18:12

Solved by pokerke, MiR, relzzup, Luigi, Alex, martin1456, CHalb, Rollo, dm_litv, Skinny Norris, hopppe, Henk, Mathi, ibag, joyal, flaemmchen, pin7guin, Mody, rimodech, zhergan, Zzzyxas, RobertBe, zorant, saskia-daniela, tuace, ffricke, Joe Average, kopfball, Mars, SKORP17, uvo
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on 27. March 2024, 18:12 by Dandelo
Label entfernt

on 3. January 2012, 22:37 by Alex
oh..., gut! :D

Last changed on 3. January 2012, 22:10

on 3. January 2012, 22:08 by Dandelo
@CHalb: Ist schon fast richtig, aber einen kleinen Denkfehler machst du noch.

on 2. January 2012, 23:23 by Dandelo
@luigi: Ist fast richtig, eine Ziffer nicht, aber du hast noch einen Fehler drin. Sieh mal, in welcher Sprache die Überschrift ist.

on 2. January 2012, 21:32 by pokerke
Yes, I also first thought that the computer symbol indicated some mathematical relationship. For example 1/24th of the difference between the square of consecutive primes, starting from 5x5, 7x7, ... Then the next numbers would have been: 13, 5, 17, 13. But with the added clues I like the puzzle much better.

on 2. January 2012, 21:08 by Dandelo
@luigi: hopppe hatte was ähnliches, es ist aber kein arithmetisches Bildungsgesetz, sondern hat schon was mit dem Jahreswechsel zu tun. Der Tipp mit dem 42. Geburtstag hat doch schon 2 Leuten geholfen.

on 2. January 2012, 15:43 by Dandelo
Beschreibung ergänzt

Last changed on 2. January 2012, 12:02

on 2. January 2012, 11:48 by Dandelo
@hopppe: Nein, es steckt kein Bildungsgesetz dahinter. In der Überschrift und den Labels stecken 3 Tipps.

The header and the labels contain 3 hints.

Rating:73 %
Solved:31 times
Observed:7 times

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