This puzzle is part of the
CrocoPuzzle Adventskalender 2011
Instructions: Write one of the seven roman numerals into every cell: M, D, C, L, X, V and I. The separate the resulting roman numbers from left to right and from top to bottom as follows: Cut the largest part, that still is a regular roman number. Do the same with the remaining tail if there is any. (Example: In the first column is a C which is a regular roman number. CV again is a regular roman number, but CVD issn't. Therefore The number is separated below the V.) The numbers at the borders give the sum of the roman numbers in that row or column.
Example | Solution |
Definition of a regular roman number: A regular roman number is calculated subtracting the numbers of the following table from top to bottom and writing the according roman numerals from left to right. Always take the largest possible number in the table until you reach 0.
M | CM | D | CD | C | XC | L | XL | X | IX | V | IV | I |
1000 | 900 | 500 | 400 | 100 | 90 | 50 | 40 | 10 | 9 | 5 | 4 | 1 |
Example: If you want to calculate the regular roman number which belongs to 3498 you will first subtract thrice 1000 and write MMM. That you subtract 400 and write CD. After that you can subtract 90 which results in XC than 5 which is V and at last thrice 1 which is III. Together you get MMMCDXCVIII.
Solution code: The roman numerals of the diagonal from top left to bottom right. In the example the code would be CXV.
on 21. March 2019, 10:44 by jessica6
Damit habe ich nun den Adventskalender auch hier im Portal durch.
on 12. February 2013, 13:24 by berni
Stichwort hinzugefügt
on 9. January 2013, 22:19 by Eisbär
HILFE!!! (manchmal findet mann etwas wenn mann eine Beobachtungsliste an schaut... :-D )
Dieses Rätsel ist einer Spuktraum... hat jemand vielleicht ein kleines Tipp?