Zodiac-Killer VIII : Scorpio
(Published on 1. November 2011, 14:00 by Eisbär)
Place the digits 1 to 9 in every row, every column and every 3x3 standard block. The numbers in the marked regions are the sums of the digits in these regions. No digit can be repeated within a sum.
Each of the digits 1-9 does appear three times in the (sometimes partially) pink marked cells.
A blue square means the sum of these two cells is a prime number. All squares are given.
Solution code: Row 9, followed by column 6
Last changed on -
Solved by Statistica, Errorandy, sternchen, Nothere, ManuH, Zzzyxas, pokerke, Luigi, pin7guin, saskia-daniela, Richard, Mody, Hansjo, zhergan, Laje6, ibag, flaemmchen, ch1983, derwolf23, mango, joyal, Alex, ... marcmees, Marco, tuace, KlausRG, sf2l, Carolin, Uhu, Joe Average, Matt, Julianl, angelasteffen, skywalker, HugoSimon, bob, Circleconstant314, rcg, EKBM, ParaNox, geronimo92, misko, Raistlen, jalebc
on 10. November 2023, 07:10 by ParaNox
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