Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Jubiläumsrätsel - 3 Jahre Rätselportal

(Published on 1. November 2011, 00:00 by Richard)

Killer-sudoku with 3

Today the puzzle portal exists three years. To celebrate this milestone, I created a special killer sudoku.

Place the digits from 1 to 9 in every row, column and 3x3-block.

The digits in the dotted outlined areas need to be different and their sums end with 3. So the sums can be 3, 13, 23 or 33.

Solution code: Row 8, followed by column 8

Last changed on -

Solved by saskia-daniela, Statistica, martin1456, MiR, flaemmchen, r45, Luigi, ManuH, Thomas Meier, Hansjo, Mody, Skinny Norris, Rollie, pokerke, joyal, Laje6, derwolf23, zhergan, StefanSch, zuzanina, ... Senor Dingdong, marsigel, crissu, Joe Average, Zzzyxas, Uhu, swotty, skypper, sf2l, HugoSimon, Carolin, Matt, Julianl, moss, adam001, Nothere, dandbdi, EKBM, polar, misko, Nick Smirnov, Krokant
Full list


on 10. December 2022, 19:28 by Nick Smirnov

on 31. October 2020, 23:26 by dandbdi
f-puzzles link - https://f-puzzles.com/?id=y2xccm2m

on 9. November 2011, 19:52 by CHalb
Brilliant puzzle! A typical Richard-Sudoku-situation for me: First I think "OK, the idea is not bad and it's from Richard, so I should try it." And then I see through it more and more and recognize what's actually inside and what can be made out of the idea.

on 3. November 2011, 10:55 by pin7guin
Juhu, drei Jahre Rätselportal! Vielen Dank, Richard und allen weiteren Rätselerstellern, für fast 1400 Rätsel! - Auf viele weitere Jahre genussvolles Rätseln!

on 3. November 2011, 08:21 by Alex
Thank you (and all the other authors) for three years of beautiful puzzles!

on 2. November 2011, 22:43 by ibag
Herzlichen Glückwunsch, Rätselportal! Warum ist hier eigentlich alles so groß?

on 1. November 2011, 10:36 by Luigi
Auch von mir vielen Dank für Dein Engagement. Deine "High noon" Rätsel sind für mich ein fester Bestandteil meiner Wochenenden.

on 1. November 2011, 10:36 by Statistica
Why not Row 3 and Column 3 :-)))) Thanks a lot!!!

on 1. November 2011, 05:04 by Mody
An dieser Stelle ein ganz besonders herzliches Dankeschön an Dich, Richard.
In den drei Jahren hast du nahezu 200 wunderschöne Rätsel von stets gleichbleibend hoher Qualität eingestellt.
Dafür ein ganz großes, herzliches "Danke" :)

Rating:94 %
Solved:92 times
Observed:13 times

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