Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Slalomrundweg 1

(Published on 23. October 2011, 19:41 by rob)

Draw a closed loop by placing diagonals in some cells. Also place a diagonal in every cell that isn't used by the loop; these must not touch the loop. Apart from the main loop, there must be no closed loops. Furthermore, whenever two cells that are not part of the main loop are adjacent, their diagonals must touch.

Finally, the given numbers specify how many diagonals end in the corresponding vertex.

In particular, if you rotate the puzzle by 45 degrees, the main loop looks like a normal Rundweg. Precisely two diagonals end in every vertex on the main loop. Also, giving the main loop immediately permits completing the solution.

Solution code: For each vertex in the central row and column, enter the number of diagonals that end there.

Solved by pin7guin, Laje6, pokerke, saskia-daniela, Zzzyxas, r45, ibag, lupo, MiR, Rollie, ffricke, Alex, milka, Luigi, dm_litv, Katrin K, Kekes, StefanSch, berni, mango, Lohnecke, Mody, Klärchen, Errorandy, ... NikolaZ, jessica6, Carolin, sojaboon, sf2l, Julianl, marsigel, skywalker, amitsowani, Krokant, Puzzle_Maestro, athin, karen_birgitta, misko, Raistlen, EKBM, CJK, Dugong, Drawoon, jsxft, JustinTucker
Full list


on 18. August 2022, 01:35 by Drawoon
penpa+: https://tinyurl.com/2h5cr926

on 24. October 2011, 18:34 by ibag
Also, ich bin auch mit Logik wunderbar durchgekommen. Das fand ich eher bei dem größeren schwierig. Da hatte ich am Anfang mal richtig geraten.

on 24. October 2011, 14:11 by StefanSch
Das war jetzt mehr geraten als gelöst.

on 23. October 2011, 19:46 by pin7guin
Erste!!! ;-) Okay, das war noch einfach. Mal die weiteren Teile abwarten...

Rating:74 %
Solved:110 times
Observed:6 times

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