This is a siblings puzzle to Was sind das?. One of these puzzles is a variation of a standard puzzle type, the other one a variation of it.
Solution code: The same solution code as in the oldest puzzle of the underlying standard type in the portal.
on 28. March 2012, 10:19 by CHalb
sf2l, I've sent you a PN.
on 27. March 2012, 11:52 by CHalb
@sf2l: Please write in a hidden comment, what you have found out and which solution code you tried.
on 27. March 2012, 11:03 by sf2l
I believe I have identified the puzzle type and solved it correctly. I have also searched for the oldest puzzle of this type and used the same solution code but... it does not work... why?
on 14. October 2011, 21:43 by rob
Klasse, beide! Danke schön.
on 14. October 2011, 20:42 by Semax
on 14. October 2011, 20:40 by Semax
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