Solution code: The main diagonals. First from upper left to lower right, then from upper right to lower left.
on 12. December 2022, 18:16 by Nick Smirnov
on 2. March 2012, 18:33 by pin7guin
Puh, hier habe ich echt laaange gebraucht, bis ich den Einstieg gefunden hatte. Aber nach der ersten Ziffer ging es gut und immer besser vorwärts. :-)
on 14. October 2011, 23:52 by Richard
In normal non-consecutive puzzles (1~9) the question if the first and last digits of the sequence may be in adjacent cells is never asked. I don't see why it should be questioned if the sequence contains one digit extra. Asked is a sequence with a start (0) and a last digit (9). Of course they may be next to each other.
The previous time a puzzle of this type and size appeared, 0 and 9 were also allowed to be adjacent. See:
on 14. October 2011, 12:25 by Luigi
Darf die 0 an die 9 grenzen?