When starting with RobertBes 2011 Brainwave Sudoku Championship: Mini Hochhaussudoku I understood the rules in a wrong way. Normally you soon get into contradictions when trying to solve a puzzle with wrong rules. But in this case I got quite far and after some Ts with Es I asked for help. With only one small change I switched Roberts puzzle to this new rule.
Place the numbers 1 through 6 once in each row, column and each marked 2x3 block. These numbers represent the height of skyscrapers. In addition, the yellow cells also indicate the total number of skyscrapers that can be seen when looking in all the possible directions (that are also indicated by arrows). Lower skyscrapers are hidden by larger skyscrapers in front of them.
Solution code: Row 1, followed by column 2.
on 3. November 2020, 17:39 by Skyler
Fun concept!
Thanks for the link, @SudokuExplorer
on 16. October 2020, 00:38 by SudokuExplorer
That was pretty tough for a 6x6 sudoku!
If you're interested, I made a 8x8 sudoku (id=0004C7) with this rule set combined with normal skyscraper rules.
I'm glad I found this one, in my search for skyscraper puzzles. :-)
on 5. November 2011, 18:52 by RobertBe
Very nice variant!
on 5. November 2011, 17:14 by flaemmchen
Ich hatte bei Robert's Rätsel zuerst auch den gleichen Denkfehler gemacht, darum ging's hier leichter ... allerdings nicht ganz ohne T&E ;-)))
on 4. November 2011, 15:43 by lupo
Ich fands auch sehr flüssig und ohne T&E zu lösen. Schön!
on 4. November 2011, 12:56 by Realshaggy
Hm, da hab ich mich aber seeehr oft vertippt.
on 4. November 2011, 12:44 by ibag
@Realshaggy: Tippe auf Tippfehler Deinerseits im Lösungscode.
on 4. November 2011, 10:25 by Statistica
Dann muss ich mal schauen, ob ich den (Kopf-)Weg noch mal schriftlich nachvollziehe :-)
on 4. November 2011, 10:17 by zhergan
Very nice variant and really good construction:) Thanks...
on 4. November 2011, 09:33 by ibag
Mir auch! Aber trotzdem tolles Rätsel!
on 4. November 2011, 09:25 by CHalb
Das ging den Testlösern und mir etwas anders ;-).
on 4. November 2011, 08:12 by Statistica
Tolles Rätsel und die 'Fallunterscheidungen' kann man im Kopf nachvollziehen.