Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Kleine Sommerüberraschung, Teil 4: Kreissummen

(Published on 23. August 2011, 10:00 by berni)

Instructions: Enter the numbers from 1 to 5 into the empty cells, so that in every row and every column every number appears exactly once. The given numbers denote the sum of all, even diagonally, adjacent numbers (without any given numbers).

Note: This puzzle type has been published in the puzzle magazin Logisch with the (translated) name redblue (or bluered). The reason for the name was the fact, that the clues where printed in one of those two colours where the numbers one should enter where printed in the other. The puzzle is related to areasums and double block.

Solution code: The numbers in the diagonal from top left to bottom right followed by the numbers in the diagonal from top right to bottom left, without any clues.

Last changed on on 12. February 2013, 13:31

Solved by Laje6, ManuH, saskia-daniela, Rollie, mathezwerg, ibag, MiR, logik66, sternchen, zhergan, Zzzyxas, r45, pokerke, martin1456, derwolf23, StefanSch, maleike, Thomas Meier, zorant, Kekes, cornuto, ... Uhu, marcmees, NikolaZ, Fiffi, jessica6, pandiani42, amitsowani, Julianl, Quetzal, Ragna, Krokant, Pingu, athin, misko, Raistlen, Dugong, EKBM, Overhead, helle, abadx, tretro, Echatsum, drf93
Full list


on 10. July 2015, 17:16 by marcmees

on 12. February 2013, 13:31 by berni
Stichwörter geändert

on 23. August 2011, 12:27 by logik66
Auch hier schade, dass es diese Rätselform in Logisch nicht mehr gibt. Spass gemacht.

Rating:83 %
Solved:123 times
Observed:6 times

Meta puzzle Filling puzzle Arithmetic puzzle

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