The numbers at the borders give the sum of code names, of the ships in that row or column, if there are isn't the ship with the X. An X at the borders tells you, that there is the ship with the X in that row or column.
Note: Some years ago these puzzle type has been found in the Logisch
magazine, but without ship X. Although the puzzle looks like a variant of pills or battleships it is not. Indeed it's a ABCtje in new look.
Solution code: The information that would be at the border of row 3, 5 and 7.
on 12. February 2013, 13:30 by berni
Stichwörter geändert
on 16. September 2011, 08:19 by Eisbär
Oh....... :-))))))))))))))
Den Groschen ist gefallen, danke Saskia-Daniela !
on 16. September 2011, 02:03 by saskia-daniela
@Eisbär: lies nochmal die Anleitung ;-)
("Steht eine Zahl am Rand, so kommt das Schiff X in dieser Zeile oder Spalte nicht vor...")
on 24. August 2011, 14:37 by RobertBe
@Kekes: each ship only has one number. For a vertical ship, this number is applied to all the rows the ship is located in.
on 22. August 2011, 18:30 by rob
Kekes: Jedes Schiff hat genau eine Zahl. (Die verschiedenen gedachten Kästchen in einem Schiff sind unerheblich.)
on 22. August 2011, 10:12 by logik66
Sehr schönes Rätsel; leider nicht mehr bei Logisch. ich fand es aber sehr leicht.