Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

All hexominos are equal

(Published on 2. March 2012, 15:38 by RobertBe)

but some hexominos are more equal than others.
free after George Orwell, "Animal Farm".
Thanks to ibag for the inspiration!

Lately, the hexominos have been very busy representing the famous pentominos. All hexominos? No, a group of hexominos is feeling left out. They have never been asked to represent a pentomino, and they start feeling discriminated.
So these hexominos decided they would organize a conference for themselves. The group was too big to fit in one room, but luckily they were able to find two rooms with videoconferencing mode to host their gathering. The room plans are as follows:

Unfortunately, the hexominos have to figure out themselves who goes into which room.

Here is a snapshot of the hexominos:
TIPP: the only part of ibags puzzles that is absolutely necessary to solve this puzzle is the following: "Die berühmten Pentominos sind natürlich viel zu beschäftigt, um ihre Geschäftstermine selbst wahrnehmen zu können (schließlich müssen sie ja ständig vollzählig in diversen Rätseln auftreten). Sie schicken deshalb meistens eine geeignete Delegation von Hexominos als Stellvertreter. Wichtig ist allerdings, dass jedes Pentomino genau einmal vertreten wird. Dabei vertritt jedes Hexomino alle Pentominos, die in ihm enthalten sind. Beispielsweise vertritt das Hexomino 3 die Pentominos I, L und Y. " Solutions to other puzzles are not at all needed.

Solution code: Column 4 of the first diagram followed by column 6 of the second diagram.

Last changed on on 17. August 2012, 20:25

Solved by ibag, CHalb, pokerke, ildiko, saskia-daniela, Alex, Luigi, rimodech, ch1983, pin7guin, Richard, Mody, zorant, Eisbär, relzzup, fridgrer, tuace, dm_litv, matter, jessica6
Full list


on 16. February 2015, 21:06 by fridgrer
pfft, someone likes assumptions. here is one: this is a very nice and very interesting puzzle. (but the combination meta+mystery is a bit dangerous for me; and this is not an assumption.)

on 16. February 2015, 18:45 by RobertBe
Pfft, someone is in a foul mood :)

on 16. February 2015, 15:15 by fridgrer
my questions are questions and not assumptions.

on 16. February 2015, 12:21 by RobertBe
@fridger: your assumption is incorrect.

But you do have to use 11 different hexominoes.

on 17. August 2012, 20:25 by RobertBe
Added comment to text of puzzle

on 11. August 2012, 14:11 by pin7guin
Auch ich war etwas verwirrt, wie dieses Rätsel zu lösen ist.
Dabei lohnt es sich wirklich!
@RobertBe: Maybe it would be helpful to write your commentary (08.03.) and Gabi's (11.03.-15:20) in the TEXT of the puzzle.

on 14. March 2012, 09:34 by CHalb
ManuH, hast du meine PN gesehen?

on 12. March 2012, 10:10 by RobertBe
@ManuH: almost right, but there are two words too many in your first sentence :)

Last changed on 11. March 2012, 22:00

on 11. March 2012, 21:59 by ibag
@ManuH: Die Interpretation im ersten Satz ist nicht richtig. Man muss die Vorgängerrätsel nicht gelöst haben um dieses Rätsel lösen zu können.

Last changed on 11. March 2012, 15:22

on 11. March 2012, 15:20 by ibag
@ManuH: Das verstehe ich nicht ganz. Im Grunde ist dieses Rätsel von meinen unabhängig. Es stützt sich nur auf die Regeln, nach denen Delegationen gebildet werden.

Hier ist es Teil der Aufgabe, herauszufinden, welche Hexominos sich zu dieser Konferenz treffen.

on 11. March 2012, 09:28 by ibag
@ManuH: Nein, das hast Du falsch verstanden. Es geht nicht (nur) um die Delegationen aus meinen Rätseln.

on 11. March 2012, 08:33 by ibag
@ManuH: Ein falsches Pentomino dabei!

on 10. March 2012, 17:44 by ibag
@ManuH: Große Teile stimmen, aber nicht alles.

on 10. March 2012, 16:55 by ManuH
Die Pentominos müssen aber nicht in beiden Räumen vertreten sein, oder?

on 8. March 2012, 12:36 by RobertBe
Ok, as there have been some questions: the only part of ibags puzzles that are absolutely necessary to solve this puzzle is the following: "Die berühmten Pentominos sind natürlich viel zu beschäftigt, um ihre Geschäftstermine selbst wahrnehmen zu können (schließlich müssen sie ja ständig vollzählig in diversen Rätseln auftreten). Sie schicken deshalb meistens eine geeignete Delegation von Hexominos als Stellvertreter. Wichtig ist allerdings, dass jedes Pentomino genau einmal vertreten wird. Dabei vertritt jedes Hexomino alle Pentominos, die in ihm enthalten sind. Beispielsweise vertritt das Hexomino 3 die Pentominos I, L und Y. "

Solutions to the Hexomino-Delegationen are not necessary (but can of course be used in determining the correct set of hexominos to be used in this puzzle).

on 7. March 2012, 00:09 by RobertBe
included figure of hexominos (thanks to ibag)

on 6. March 2012, 20:24 by RobertBe
added MYSTERY label

on 6. March 2012, 12:50 by RobertBe
@Luigi: it also seems that you are using column 5 of the second diagram. The total code consists of 11 (1 or 2-digit) numbers.

on 6. March 2012, 12:09 by saskia-daniela
lol - klasse Titel / Text

on 5. March 2012, 20:29 by CHalb
An interesting extension to ibags puzzles which started a small hex-craze among us portalists.

on 5. March 2012, 18:48 by ibag
Sehr schönes Rätsel, da können sich die Hexominos freuen!

on 5. March 2012, 18:48 by RobertBe
Sorry all, I made a typo in the solution code. Definitely a L.E. puzzle for me :)

on 5. March 2012, 18:47 by RobertBe
fixed typo in solution code

on 5. March 2012, 17:10 by RobertBe
Completely reworked. Thanks to ibag for the helpful commentary :)

on 2. March 2012, 16:29 by RobertBe
Added META label

Last changed on 2. March 2012, 16:32

on 2. March 2012, 16:28 by RobertBe
Nein! This puzzle can be solved without the solutions (or room shapes)of the other puzzles.

on 2. March 2012, 16:19 by Luigi
Soll das heißen, man braucht wieder die Lösungen von den vorrangegangenen Hexomino Rätseln?

on 2. March 2012, 15:41 by RobertBe
deleted an icon

Rating:90 %
Solved:20 times
Observed:7 times

Meta puzzle Mystery puzzle Pentominoes

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