Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

2011 Brainwave Sudoku Championship: Killer Sudoku

(Published on 8. October 2011, 14:02 by RobertBe)

Tragen Sie Ziffern so in das Diagramm ein, dass in jeder Zeile, jeder Spalte und jedem fett umrandeten Gebiet jede der Ziffern von '1' bis '9' genau einmal vorkommt. Die kleinen Zahlen in den Gebieten geben die Summe der Ziffern in diesem Gebiet an. Innerhalb eines Gebiets kommt keine Ziffer doppelt vor.

Solution code: Zeile 2 und Spalte 5.

Last changed on on 30. June 2012, 11:55

Solved by zhergan, ManuH, Errorandy, Alex, zorant, pokerke, MiR, saskia-daniela, sandmoppe, Laje6, flaemmchen, Hansjo, Luigi, Saskia, dm_litv, Zzzyxas, zuzanina, sternchen, Thomster, martin1456, Kekes, ... Julianl, Matt, skywalker, Sango, cdwg2000, NikolaZ, jimmusmcbobbus, geronimo92, HolyFracker, rcg, PixelPlucker, Crul, Raistlen, vmirandaa, SKORP17, PinkNickels, Piatato, asii, NeroChaos, Schesam
Full list


on 9. November 2023, 23:07 by RobertBe
20 minutes is a reasonably good performance. The championship scoring was a little different in that puzzles were awarded a proportional amount of points for a partly filled in sudoku.

Last changed on 5. November 2023, 02:10

on 5. November 2023, 02:10 by PinkNickels
Since this was from a competition, I am curious--what is a good time to solve this for an average level of someone who would attend the Brainwave championship? I finished in just under 20 minutes...not fishing for any compliments or criticism, just curious how that compares to real solvers.

on 29. March 2021, 10:54 by abseabsmeier
f-puzzles link: https://f-puzzles.com/?id=ygptu3cy

on 30. June 2012, 11:55 by RobertBe
small textual change

on 7. January 2012, 22:30 by hopppe
Wunderschön konstruiert!

on 10. October 2011, 22:49 by r45
Very good construction, thanks Robert.

on 10. October 2011, 16:19 by ibag
Sehr schönes Rätsel!

Rating:92 %
Solved:102 times
Observed:13 times

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